Chapter 8

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Roc's p.o.v.

The next couple of weeks were terrible for me and my family. Ci got so depressed that she stopped eating, sleeping, and was dehydrated which caused an overnight trip to the emergency room a few days ago. LilI and Miya were almost the same from seeing their mother doing so badly and having to visit a brother who appeared to be dead besides the respirator breathing for him.The only positive aspect of the situation was his brain activity. He could hear us and was even twitching when they rubbed a pen on the bottom of his foot. Besides junior's health situation, Ci threatened to leave if Miya's baby turned out to be mine. I couldn't really blame her. Although she did cheat on me and abort a child, I was more wrong. She did it because she thought I was cheating when I really was, just not with who she thought it was. Miya had no idea about Ci or the kids. In the back of my mind, I knew that Miya's baby was mine. I didn't want to admit it to Ci or anybody really to include myself.

Ci's p.o.v.

I slid out of bed and went to use the bathroom then stopped when I saw that the police department was calling my phone. I was already depressed from the situation with Cj so I really didnt want to hear any bad news but I answered the phone anyways.

"Is this the resident of Mr. Chresanto August Jr.?"

I screwed my face up and immediately got suspicious.

"Umm, yes. This is his mother. Is everything alright?"

"We need you down at the station to inform you about the accident with your son."

I told the officer ok and jumped into the shower. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like a complete train wreck. My eyes were blood shot red and I had heavy bags under them. I pulled my hair into a high bun, threw on a black beater, black sweats, and black low top chuck taylor's, then walked out of my bedroom then down the stairs. Roc and Ray were downstairs choppin it up but then stopped to ask me where was I going. I told him about the phone call so theu jumped in the car with me. The entire time, I sat and wondered what they could've possibly had to tell me which caused me to get nervous. Once we got there, we told the front desk lady who we were and she pointed us to an office. We knocked on the door and waited for him to say come in. We sat down and he proceeded to tell me the worst news ever.

"When your neighbor called the police, she gave us the license plate number to the car that hit your son and it was registered to a person named Tameka Harris. The downfall in it al is Mrs. Harris was killed a few days ago so for obvious reasons, we can't do much."

My mouth hit the floor but I didn't feel bad because whoever that was deserved what happened after she flew through my neighborhood and put my child in a coma. Pay back is a bitch.

A another week had passed and junior had woken up. He told us that he could hear us the entire time but just couldnt move. He's getting back to his regular self now but he's not quite there. Since he started getting better, so did I. I went back to work and was getting back into my normal routine. I'd completely avoided Jacob and Edrina but I decided to talk to the both of them but at different times. I started off with Edrina with inviting her to lunch with me. Once we got to zaxby's and ordered our food, we sat down and. began to eat. It was very awkward, especially from the evil glances she kept throwing at me. I was starting to feel some type of way and wanted to snap but I kept my composure and concentrated on the topic at hand.

"I called you here to explain Jacob and I's friendship."

"More like cutty buddy's to me."

I ignored the fuck out of that statement because I wasnt even trying to go there.

"Look, Jacob and I do have some history."

"Ooh ok. So you're a homie hopper."

I eye balled the fuck out of her before I finished. She was really pushing me past my limit.

"No. I used to have a huge crush on him but he ran away instead of talking about it. So when I got with Roc, Jacob and a girl named Zonnique used to try their hardest to break the two of us up. After he stopped, we got back to being best friends and the day we had sex was a mistake but you guys weren't even together yet."

She just stared at me then proceeded to eat her food. I couldn't tell if she believed me or not but from the way she was acting, I didn't even care anymore. When push came to shove, Edrina didn't give a fuck about what I had to say. The only thing that concerned her was that it had stopped and that Jacob wasn't going to leave her. I guess that's how females fix problems these days.

Next, was Jacob. I walked up the stairs of the studio and watched him practice his dance moves in the mirror. Once he saw my reflection, I could tell he was kind of happy to see me but didnt want to make it seem like that sense of what happened. He walked over the table and grabbed his bottle of water. I went and grabbed the second chair and just stared at him while he drank.He finally asked me why I was here so all I did was pull out the results to my pregnancy test.

6 months later

Author's p.o.v.

Ci and Roc sat in the living room along with my Miya with the DNA results for Miya's new baby boy, Isaiah. Ci herself, was expecting a baby boy but no one knew besides Jacob. She did her best to hide it as much as she could because she wasn't sure if she wanted to keep the baby or give it up for adoption so she kept quiet just to lessen all problems that could occur. Cj was doing quite alright and was now in home school since he missed so much school from being in the hospital for nearly three months. He'd woken up within those two weeks he was first admitted but had to go to rehab in order Roc's hands trembled as he opened the envelope.

*Sorry for any typos.. 10 comments please?

A Date With Death: The Ultimate Betrayal {Bestfriend pt.3} Roc Royal *CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now