Chapter 15

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I opened my eyes to see an angel. It was a very small, & beautiful angel... a baby angel. It floated up to me & I embraced the angel in my arms then I took a look at its face & it was Lorenzo. I started to cry & scream for my baby boy, begging God that this was just a terrible dream then he disappeared from my arms. My eyes shot open & I sat up panicking, completely unaware of my surroundings. I was in a hospital room with a breathing machine in my nose & sharp pains shooting up abs down my side. I sat up to see Drea looking back at me with wide eyes then she ran to my side.

"Ci, thank God you're awake. A lot is happening."

"What do you mean Drea? Where is Lorenzo?"

Her eyes began to water & I began to panic. I wasn't ready to hear any bad news.

"When Star started shooting, she shot you 2 times and one of those bullets grazed him. The doctors said he should be fine but because he's only a few days old, its causing complications."

I just looked at her and then broke down. As I sobbed, I felt the pain on my side again & realized that must've been where I was shot at. I couldn't believe this bitch was back & had hurt my infant. In my head, I promised myself that once my child & I get better, I'm killing Star myself & I put that on my children.

"Where is everybody and when can I see Lorenzo?"

"Lorenzo is in ICU & nobody can see him yet. Edrina & Jacob are in her room with Princess and everybody else is in the waiting room. The kids are with your baby sitter but Ci, I have more news. "

i braced myself. I wasn't ready for anymore bad news. It seemed like my life was based on bad news.

"Roc... he was umm... kidnapped."

"How the fuck did she manage to kidnap a grown ass man Drea??? What the fuck??"

"When she shot up the waiting room, the whole room got filled with smoke from the bullets & her shooting the ceiling causing it to collapse. After everyone got out & got you & Lorenzo admitted, Roc was nowhere to be found."

I just stared at her for a long ass time. I couldn't believe my ears and to make it worse, I felt a lot of hatred. a lot of bad things were going through my head. Revenge was heavily on my mind. She hurt my infant AND kidnapped my husband & for that, Star was going to pay one way or another. No more running away from it.

A Date With Death: The Ultimate Betrayal {Bestfriend pt.3} Roc Royal *CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now