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“No, Roc. You need to put season salt in the meat, not table salt.” I said as I watched the love of my life cook dinner for our little ones. I guess he must’ve heard me talking to him because he pulled away from the table salt and grabbed the season salt instead.

It’d been two years since I died and things were just now getting back on track for him. I was so proud of him for being so strong because when I first passed, he wasn’t dealing with it well. Junior was the only one of my kids who fully understood that their mommy wasn’t coming back and his behavior had changed for the worst. Ever since he’d mastered getting me to show up in his dreams, I make it my business to let him know how much it hurts to see him act out the way he does. He’s gotten better but he still needs a lot of work.

Craig, on the other hand had picked up a really bad drinking habit. He was currently on probation for three DUI’s and has to attend Alcohol Anonymous classes for the next six months. I hated that he let my death get the best of him but I tried my hardest to let him know that I’d forgiven him for everything that ever happened between us. He was still a work in progress but I had a lot of faith in him.

Edrina was sent to a mental institution and Jacob’s mom had full custody of Princess. She was such a beautiful little girl and mama Perez was a great grandmother to her. She’d tried to take Princess to meet Edrina multiple times, but they always have to send her back to isolation from trying to attack Princess. Edrina felt like Princess was a bad memory as far as Jacob went and she hated Princess for that. It was sad and disgusting but understandable in a sick way.

Drea and Diggy are holding it together pretty tight. They had a little boy and help Roc out with our children. Roc really confides in those two since they’re the only ones that are around. Ray and Kasey decided to move away from all of the drama and go to New York. They don’t associate with anyone back in California in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I feel like they were bad friends for leaving everyone to suffer alone but it’s situations like these that show you who your real

friends are.


I continued to watch as Roc cooked the hamburger helper, fixed the plates, and called the children down to eat. They bowed their heads for grace and surprisingly, Junior decided to say the grace for that now.

“Thank you, Lord for allowing daddy to cook us food and to take care of us. I love my family and I hope my mommy is happy that I’m doing better now and thank you for letting me keep my sisters and my daddy. Amen.”

Tears formed in my eyes once he was done. That was the sweetest thing that I’d ever heard him say and I was so proud that me coming in his dreams was making a difference for him. Roc just kind of sat there in disbelief as the kids ate.

“I love you, Roc.” I whispered before walking away. When my back fully turned, I heard him say “I love you too, Ci,” which caused me to smile.

I walked back down the hallway to see Star’s mom, Ms. Tameka, Chris, and Jacob coming out of the rooms to watch their loved ones. Heaven was really cool. There were doors that everyone was assigned to that allowed them to help their family or simply check on them. We could come and go whenever we wanted or friends could invite us to show us their families and things like that.

When I first got to heaven, I was shocked to see Jacob since he killed himself but it turns out that Star did it. She and her goons basically forced him to tie himself up and she was the one who kicked the chair from underneath him, causing him to be hanged and of course died. That’s how he ended up in heaven instead of hell.

“You ok, Ci?” He asked as I wiped my eyes.

“Yeah im fine. Junior just said the sweetest little prayer and it got to me. I miss my family so much.”

“We all miss our families but we will be reunited once again. Just be strong. You’ve come too far to back track now.”

I let those words linger in my head for a while before heading to the house that the four of us shared. It was days like this that I wished I was still on earth with my kids, family, and husband, but I’d already fulfilled the duties God put me on earth to do and for that, I was thankful. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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A Date With Death: The Ultimate Betrayal {Bestfriend pt.3} Roc Royal *CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now