Hallway Adventure

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Yuvell's Pov

*-ss*.......... *Hiss* (-vell....... Yuvell)

I slowly open my eyes and see a blurry vision of Alex hanging over my head. Seeing how I'm not going get up, he leans in closer and starts flicking his tongue on my cheek.

*Hisss* (Yuvell, it's time to wake up.)

I sit up in a sluggish manner and rub my eyes.

"What time is it?" I yawned as I stretch my arms above my head.

*Hisss* (It's right around dusk. You have plenty of time to spare.)

"Cool." I simply said as I got up and started to get dressed.

*Sniff* *sniff* *rattles* (???......hmm)

"Hm? What's wrong Alex?" I asked putting on the uniform shirt.

*Hisss* (I smell something.... off.)

My eyes widen and I turn back to Alex giving him a small smile.

"I don't smell anything. What does it smell like to you?" I asked.

*Hisssss* (I can't put my tongue on it. It smells unfamiliar.)

"You sure it's not you? I mean it has been a while since you have taken a bath or even shed your skin for that matter."

*Hiss* *rattles* (Oh I'm quite sure.)

Alex hissed rattling his rattle and starts moving around the bed trying to find the source. Panic slowly arises when I see him move closer towards the direction of my cloak and heels. Just when he is about a foot away, I quickly take action.

"You're probably overthinking it with everything that's been going on lately. Com'mon, let's wake Yui up." I said throwing my jacket on and picking him up before he got too close to the clothes.

Alex gives me a small glare before making himself comfortable and wrapping himself around my neck. I walk out of my room and go to the door a few ways down the hallway and knock on it.

"Hey Yui, you up?"

I waited a couple minutes in silence before speaking up again.


I knock a few times before placing my ear on the door to try and listen to see if she's there. After hearing a few mumbles I decide to take a peek inside and open the door.


"Hahah ne ne, how's the tea Teddy? Oh? Mr. Snickerdoodle you don't look so good......ehhhh?? Your throat is feeling a little sore? Heh.. hahahahah!! Don't worry I'll fix it for you!"

Kanato laughed plunging a knife into the stuffed animal's throat and starts beheading it and tearing away all of the stuffing from the inside.

My eyes slightly widen from the quick turn of events and slowly close the door without making any noise before turning to Alex.

"I don't think that's Yui."

*Hiss* (Well, you're bound to find her.)

"Com'mon Alex why can't you just help me out here? You know my memory is garbage!"

*Hissssssss* (If you know your memory is so poor then why don't you actually take the time and try to remember the layout. You are a resident of this mansion at the moment.)

"We haven't even been here long. How can you possibly expect me to memorize the entire mansion layout?"

*Hiss* (You remember where your room is correct?)

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