Meeting the Pack

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Yuvell's Pov

"Woah!" I said in awe while looking around.

This place..... this place is truly magnificent.

Faolen laughs at my face of awe and teases me.

*Arf* *Arf* (Haha! Close your mouth or else fleas and ticks will reach in your mouth.)

I close my mouth immediately and walk up to Faolen slowly. Upon my arrival the adult wolves stare at me with caution. The pups around them stop playing and hide behind them, afraid of me and the once cheerful atmosphere is now quiet. I can hear small whispers here and there.

*Whisper* (Who is that woman?)

*Whisper* (Faolen? Akira? What are they doing with her?)

*Whine* (What happened to Akira?)

*Growl* (Somebody get that human out of here!)

My smile lessens hearing that I have disturbed the peace, but it's expected when a stranger shows up to your home all of a sudden.

*Arf* *Arf* (Hey guys meet my friend Yuvell!)

Faolen said jumping around and walking up to the adults.

*Low growl* (Faolen get her out of here.)

*Whine* (Wha?)

A male gray wolf walks up in front of everyone else with two wolves at his side.

*Glowl* (That woman is not welcome here. No human besides Akira is permitted here.)

*Bark* (Come here sweetie.)

A female wolf quickly picks up Horus and Kaya and hides behind other wolves. The pups tried to protest but they only got shushed.

Faolen looks at both me and the adult.

*Whine* *Arf* (But- but I've met her before! It's ok, really! She-)

*Bark* (A single encounter can not justify the fact that she is still a stranger to us.)

*Arf* *Whine* (No she's not dangerous I swear she-she...)

While Faolen stumbles on his words some of the adult wolves advanced to us baring their teeth and some stood in front of their young protectively.

"Woah woah, hey guys, calm down. she's alri-"

Before Akira even had a chance to reason with the wolves, some of them jumped in front of him and pushed him back away from me with their teeth bared at me.

*Growl* ....*Snap* (Leave this place stranger.... NOW!!)

*Arf* *Arf* (No please leave her alone!)

Faolen jumped in front of me and before I even got the chance to tell him that it's alright, I heard a low howl. Everyone looked up on a high rock and saw the dark figure. He stood tall and proud on top of that rock with the trees surrounding him and shadow covering the upper half of his body. Once he stoped howling, he looked down at me. He seemed to be a timber wolf. The only thing that seemed to stand out was his......... electric...... blue..... eyes.

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