Chatting with Akira

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Yuvell's Pov

So not only did the teacher arrive late, but he also started yapping on about his life story. It was very boring...(-_-) After the teacher was done with that, he gave us paperwork and left to do something. I finished it in a couple of minutes and Akira came over to chat with me for a while.

"Hey Yuvell, your new here right?" Akira said taking the seat next to me.

"Yeah why?" I said looking over at him.

"Well I'm just trying to get to know you. How do you like this school so far?"

"It's alright."

"What's your favorite color and Animal? Have any siblings? What are your hobbies?"

"Curious now are we?" I said smirking at him. Akira just blushes a little and looks away.

"I have more than one favorite color but I guess you could say I really like blue and green. I don't have any siblings but I do see my cousin like one and as for my hobby, that's a secret."

"Cool and aww your no fun." Akira said with a pout.

"Too bad handsome, maybe I'll tell you next time and what about you?" I said teasingly.

Akira's Pov

After she said that I blush a deeper shade of red than before.

She thinks I'm handsome?

I cough a little and continue with answering her question.

"My favorite color is silver and I'm an only child as well. My hobby is playing sports, hanging out with my friends and admiring beautiful flowers."

Such as the one in front of me..... god she's so beautiful.

"That's nice." Yuvell said giving me a closed eye smile.

Man even her smile is,no what am I thinking? I've only just met her. I can't be calling her beautiful yet....even though she is. No stop it brain. I got to get my mind on something else.

I was about to change the subject but notice something odd at the corner of my eye. I quickly look over and see a guy with white hair with a hint of pink and red eyes sitting at the corner of the class.

Hm? Is that guy glaring at me?

" alright?" Yuvell turns to see what I'm looking at.

"Oh, Subaru's in this class?" She mumbles but I hear it nice and clear.

"You know that guy?" I look over at him and give him a small glare which he returns quickly.

"Yeah, but just ignore him. If he says anything rude, ignore it too."

I turn back to look at her and narrow my eyes. Why am I not satisfied with that answer? What is this that I'm feeling?

Subaru's Pov

*Tch* Who the hell is that?!

I had finished my work early and had been staring at Yuvell and that brat.

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