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3 months passed quicker than the Markjinson trio could realize; it was now April, Spring Break and Mark was only 2 months away from graduation, Jackson was on his teaching grind because if anyone failed finals he knew he would cry and Jinyoung was still exchanging calls and messages with his mother. Only one thing bothered Jinyoung about talking to his "dead" mother; she hasn't responded back to any messages in the last few days-her last message to Jinyoung was asking if they stayed in the same house, which Jinyoung answered yes. 

The ring of the doorbell drew Jinyoung's attention from strolling through his unanswered messages and he made his way from laying down on the couch to answering the door, opening the door he was greeted to a middle aged woman, her hair was long jet black, her eyes held a deep shimmer and excitement-it was his mother, she was here, she was home

Tears prickled at Jinyoung's eyes as he pulled his mother into a tight hug, he missed her so much. Much more than anyone would have every realized but here he was-back embraced into his mother's sweet hugs that he never thought he would feel again. Jinyoung pulled away and grabbed his mother's luggage, placing it inside as she made her way to the couch, he sat beside her. 

"I-i can't believe you're here." Jinyoung smiled. 

His mother's smile was warm, "You're even more handsome in person, you've grown into a fine young man." She placed her hand on his cheek, "My lovely son..." 

Jinyoung touched his mother's hand, "When you didn't respond to any of my messages, I was worried something happened."

"I knew if I responded even more I would spoil the surprise, I'm sorry for making you worry." She removed her hand from Jinyoung's face, "Now, tell me is their anyone special in your life? A girlfriend, a boyfriend...or two?"

Jinyoung coughed and looked surprised at his mother, "T-two?" 

She nodded, "Well I'm guessing there's two since you look so shaken, you're not cheating are you?" 

"No, no it's two. Two boyfriends. It's just...I can't tell you about one." Jinyoung sighed. 

"Why not?" 

"He's older." Jinyoung smiled, "but he doesn't act it. He's a handful, extra, a bit slow at times and funny...did I mention a bit slow at times and extra ?He's so sweet though and knows how to cheer anyone up. Oh, and he's very handsome." 

"Do you love them?" His mother asked sincerely. 

"With my entire heart." 

"Then him being a bit older doesn't matter. Tell me about your boyfriends."

Jinyoung nodded, "Jackson is the one I was describing before. He's 23 and from Hong Kong. Do you remember Mark Tuan? The American boy who transferred to my class in 2nd? That's my other boyfriend." 

"How did you all met?" 

"Oh, um..." Jinyoung trailed off, a bit flustered. 

"He's your teacher, Jackson." She winked. 

"Are you reading my mind?" Jinyoung laughed. 

Mrs. Park laughed at her son's suggestion, "No, but I was in a relationship with one of my college professors."  

Jinyoung's mouth formed a little 'o' and he smiled, "He teaches Chinese and this is his first year teaching."  

"Your boyfriends sound sweet." She smiled, "I'm glad you have them. How long?" 

"7 months, Jinyoung smiled, "It doesn't feel like it though." 

Mrs. Park simply smiled and ruffled her son's hair, her smile faded as the door opened; her ex husband stepped though the door surprising both her and Jinyoung. 

"Dad." Jinyoung whispered out, his voice small and weak. 

Mr. Park glanced from his son to his ex wife and sighed, "I'm back from my trip early. I didn't expect this." 

Jinyoung stood up, "Of course you didn't expect this! You lied to us! You told me my mother died, you told her I died. Why? Why would you do that! How could you do that?" 

"I just didn't want you to get hurt by your mother like I did. So I lied. I wanted to protect you, you are my son after all." 

"I'm her son too! How could she hurt you-" Jinyoung was cut off by his mother grabbing his hand. 

"Jinyoung, I did cheat on your father. I did hurt him." 

"That doesn't mean he lies about someone, you-dying to keep us apart." Jinyoung puffed, "I know you cheated, I saw you cheat. Denial is the only thing I know how to do since I denied it was really true and I denied that your cheating was the reason for the divorce. I was at home when it happened and I'm the one who told dad without thinking that it would be enough for you two to divorce and for you to move to Australia. Then he started taking even long business trips after the divorce to the point where I would see him only a few days out of the year. You both are at fault and you both will take responsibility for it." 

Mr.Park nodded, "What I did was wrong, childish even. I just fell part after our divorce. I truly, truly didn't want Jinyoung to get hurt like I did my you so I...I faked both of your deaths. It's been a heavy guilt on my chest all these years and I know no amount of apologizing will change it but I am sorry. Jinyoung, I'm sorry for not being there for you ever.  Jihae, I'm sorry for not being good enough and lying to you about...our son dying."

Jihae looked at her ex husband, "Cheating back then was childish of me. It was a juvenile move. I should have just told you how I was feeling instead of going behind your back. I should have told you I wasn't feeling loved or affection. I'm sorry for hurting you back then." 

"Good, progress." Jinyoung smiled, "I know you two still will always have bitter feelings for each other but for my sake-" 

"Jinyoung, we're adults." His father interrupted. 

"Adults who don't handle things very well." Jinyoung bit back a slur of other no so appropriate things, "Welcome back home, dad." 

His father simply nodded, quickly changing the topic, "Jihae, how long will you be here?" 

"3 days." She said, "I need to go to my hotel so I'll be leaving. I'll see you later, Jinyoung" 

"Bye mom." Jinyoung smiled and gave the woman a hug before she stepped out of the door. 

Jinyoung's dad watched her leave then turned to Jinyoung, "So how long have you known?" 

"How long? Since January." Jinyoung rolled his eyes. 

"Jinyoung I'm-" 

"I know you're sorry, you wanted to protect me or whatever but did it not occur to you that this could have hurt me even more? For years, years I thought my mother was dead." Jinyoung paused and sighed, "I'm going out, I'll be home for dinner." 

"See you later, Jinyoung."  His father sighed as his son grabbed his keys and left.

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