Chapter 12

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" Turn." The officer demanded, (y/n) turned to her side, her inmate number facing the camera. After that was done another officer grabbed her by the upper arm and drags her into a cell tossing her inside the cold room.

He then slams the barred door shut. (Y/n) looked down at her still bloody hands.

' How many I have I killed with these hands?' She thought looking up at the ceiling.

' I can't even wash the blood off myself yet.' She though looking at the blood splatters all over the clothes she is wearing. Her hand latched together by cuffs.

At UA Aizawa and Yagi flip through case files they had attached to (y/n).

" All of this was going in right under our noses and we never knew about it." Yagi said clenching his fist.

" She still murdered all of those people. Hundreds maybe even more. To do what? Fuel her fire?" Aizawa said looking over at the other male.

"Aizawa, I don't think you put two and two together. If she lived, she watched Yuuya be murder, she stayed in that burning building until the police came and she ran off.  She thinks she was making this city a better place because like she said... if we could save her brother what is there to make her think she can save other people." Yagi said coughing up blood.

" She watched Tomura murder her brother, she watched him leave the person she wanted to be just like for dead. I, as the symbol of peace, and as his mentor couldn't save him! I let his sister turn into this crazy woman! I've failed my student!" Yagi yelled slamming his fist onto the table tears streaming down his face.

"Yagi, get a hold of yourself. You think you're the only one who let Yuuya down?" Hawks said walking through the door.

" I watched that girl grow up. It's hard to look at her now and see nothing but a killer." Hawks hissed.

" There's Nothing we can do about it, she did the crimes.... she has to pay for them..." Aizawa said clenching his fist and putting the papers back into its folders.

"She was just using me..." Izuku said clutching his head look out at the room beside the school gates.

" Don't think like that Deku..." Ochaco said laying a hand in his shoulder only to have him shrug it off harshly.

" Why else would she have done all of this? Because she actually cared!? I think the hell not I was just part of her plan to get inside the UA!!" Izuku snapped tears streaming down his face.

"Deku...." Ochaco said hugging him tightly.

"She never cared...." Izuku said, as a black Dodge Challenger Hellcat drove pass them.

"Mekhi stop the damn car." Tai snapped, as Mekhi slammed the breaks on the car.  Tai stepped out of the car cracking his knuckles, slamming the door shut.

Tai hauls off and drives his fist into the side of Izuku's face, knocking him down. Tai grabs his face and almost growls.

" You listen good you damn brat. The reason (y/n) told you not to talk to her and why she cut you off is so you wouldn't be gutted down in front of her like her brother was. But here you are! Not even thinking about how she put herself out there today to save every last one of you in that stupid school! You ungrateful maggots!" Tai snapped at everyone standing outside.

" I hope you rot in hell for not even grasping the thought that she  was willing to get captured by the man who murdered her family for every last one of you. Think about that while she also risked her freedom for you maggots! You hear me!? Think about her freedom that she gave up!" Tai yelled going back inside the car slamming the door shut.

I'm not the villain here  (Deku x Villian! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now