Chapter 19

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"Take my life energy. Take all of it if you need too." Mekhi said as he grabbed a hold of Aimilios' wrist.

" I ca-"

" The hell you can't! Kill me if you have to keep her alive do understand me! She gave me a family, she was my family! (Y/n) never saw a monster in any of us when everyone else did damn it! We may not have been heroes but she sure as hell was!  You saw what happened to this city while she was gone!" Mekhi shouted as he looked down at his friends lifeless body tears destroying his crystal blue eyes.

" Take mine too! I can't lose her..." Izuku said kneeling down beside Mekhi with determination in his eyes followed by some tears.

" Hey we're here too idiots! Don't think we're going to stand around here!" Bakugou shouted jogging over to the group followed by Shoto.

Aimilios took as much energy as he could with without killing the boys. Everyone was in the edge of passing out.

Aimilios put his hand to (y/n)'s forehead. A red light sparks from his hands then fizzles out. "

It's not enough." Aimilios said looking up with fear filling his eyes.

" Am... Am I going to lose her?" Izuku said as he held onto (y/n)'s cold hand. Aimilios stayed quite.

" Am I going to lose her!?" Izuku shouted at him.

"" I don't know! I can't gather enough life energy to bring her back! Damn kid!" Aimilios yelled punching the ground.

" Mekhi help me gather the villains up. Make it fast we don't have a lot of time." Tai said standing up weakly.

"I'll help." Shoto said standing up.  " Deku!" A female voice called. Izuku looked back to see ochako running towards them with some kids from class 1-A. Mekhi, Tai, and Aimilios all tense up.

" Calm down they're here to help." Izuku said looking back at (y/n)'s body.

" Well If that's the case. Listen up brats! Speedy you come with me to go grab some heroes for a generous donation to her! The rest of you  help Mekhi drag the Villains over to Aimilios then give up some life energy!" Tai order as Iida dashed over to Tai.

" I am highly against this but (y/n) is a dear friend, and if she planned on killing us she would've done it." Iida said before dashing off.

" Tch." Tai said as he touched a dead Nomu and used it to walk to his former battle ground.

Izuku touched (y/n)'s hand to his lips, closes his eyes thinking,

' Please hold on a little longer (y/n). For me please, I can't live without you. I can't live with the thought that I let Tomura kill you... I can't live with the thought that I let you die! Please! Come back to me!' He screamed in his head, before releasing her hand to go help the others.

" Grab to Nomu they should have some life energy left." Mekhi ordered as Izuku nodded as he went to pick one up.

" I've got it Midoriya my boy!" All Might boomed picking the Nomu up.

" Have faith." All Might said carrying the Nomu over to Aimilios.

' Easy to say when you're not losing the person who was everything to you.' Izuku thought throwing Spinner over his shoulder and walking back.

" Hurry up I'm running out of time!!" Aimilios shouted as he saw Iida rush toward him carrying three pro heroes, a Nomu wasn't far behind with Tai setting on its shoulder.

" We've got 1 minute left before she's gone for good!" Mekhi yelled as panic washed over as everyone's face.

Izuku's face was filled with fear. " How the hell do you know that!? I watch (y/n)  get her head cut off and just stick it back on!" Bakugou yelled.

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