Chapter 20

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" It seems as though everyone is here. Four other heroes will join us soon." Nighteye explained.

"I'll Along with the sharing of acquired information. I would like consult with you all today. The small Yakuza, The Eightflod cleanser and what exactly they're plotting. I was able to make substantial progress with my information by virtue of all the information everyone provided me with in dealing with the plots of a certain small organization named The Eight Precepts of Death. I have called this meeting to discuss and share this information. I will explain this step-by-step." Nighteye finished up.

After a few minutes all of the heroes moved to a meeting room, " I am a sidekick, centipede. I have been conducting, the tracking and observation as per theinstructions put forth by Nighteye. With this one year period that I have been given to investigate there has been rapid increase in contact both between bboth members of the underground organization, as well as people outside of the group. They appear to be an organization moving with the intent to expand and accumulate funds. Also shortly after the commencement of investigation.... he made contact with one Bubaigawara Jin. A villain named " Twice",they were particularly cautious of being followed and I was unable to continue to track them but I was able to cooperate with the police. They were able to confirm that during this meeting some kind of skirmish had occurred." Centipede informed them.

" So it's related to the villain alliance that why you called me and Tsukauchi." Gran Torino said.

" You four, get in here. I didn't request your help so you could come and eavesdrop." Nighteye said looking at the door. Heroes began to talk to each other.

" Who could be at the door, almost everyone is here." Miro whispered to Izuku . The door slowly cracked open.

Aizawa jumped up from his seat along with Fatgum.

" You will not make another step in here do you understand me?" Aizawa said.

" Move it old man, or I'll pop you a good like a few months ago." Tai sneered cocking his head to the side smirking, as (y/n) hit him in the chest.

" Sit down Easerhead, Fatgum. These four are here for a reason. They climbed to the top heroes in America within a few months. No only that they kept underground activities down, once they left we started to notice this organization. They are no longer considered criminals but pro heroes like the rest of us now." Nighteye said as Aizawa sat back down along with Fatgum.

" For those who don't know, this was an organization we had trouble tracking down or finding out any information about. (Y/n) (l/n) she single handedly brought down 16 pro heroes, including All Might, Endeavor, and Hawks. She brought down the League for a short amount of time as well. Her quirk immortality." Nighteye said as everyone seemed to be on edge.

"Tai Suzuki, brought a group of pro heroes down, a very strong young man, self-taught in the works of the human body. He can temporarily cut quirk abilities off using pressure points. Quirk Necromancy." Nighteye said as Tai stared down Eraserhead.

" Mekhi Nakamura, a top computer wiz, he can hack into the hardest fire wall. As the rest he has defeated pro heroes with ease. Quirk bone multination." Nighteye said.

" Finally, Aimilios Matsumoto he again single handedly taken down pro heroes. Intelligent when he wants to be, and a strong strategist. Quirk Life Removing Touch." He finshed up as Aimilios bit into his lollipop.

" Not to mention, Tai was a former insane asylum patient, the craziest person in the building, he had God complex almost killing the doctors, which still comes out in burst. Mekhi mass murdered people in a failed attempt to kill himself. Aimilios is a son of a dead gang leader. He was the one who murdered the whole organization even the off branches of and had no second thoughts about it. (Y/n) daughter of passed heroes Sato and Aoki, after her family was murdered she turned to destroying underground organizations. We used to call them the Four Symbols of the Apocalypse." Aizawa explained.

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