Chapter 11

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(Y/n) latched onto her knife, she knees stain in the gut sending him to over side of the alley way. Stain swings his sword and cuts her across the chest, (y/n) flips her knife out. (Y/n) slashes him across the stomach and slings him out into the street.

People scream as (y/n) launched herself at  him, she slashed his arm open as Stain grabs her by the collar and slams her into the black top.

" She has to be a vigilante!"

" What no way if she was a vigilante stain won't be messing with her! He only cares about the big dogs!"

" I am on of the big dogs!" (Y/n) shouted punching stain again an again sending him stumbling back with each step.

Stain quickly put a sword to her neck, " Guess you'll die with a crowd!" Stain shouted as blood started to trickle down her neck.

(Y/n) took the tip of the sword and slashed across her neck as blood poured out from her neck. " I won't be dying anytime soon. But you Stain, Might not have as long." (Y/n) said jerking the sword from his hand and swinging at him as he blocks it with his second one.

" Where are the pros!?!" A police officer yelled.

"" Didn't you hear over the radio system!? They're all at UA!? The school is begging attacked!" Another shouted aiming his gun at the two fight. Stain smirked at her. 

(Y/n) slits the back of his legs open then runs off to the direction of the school. " Please be ok guys! Hold on a little longer! I'll be there in no time please hold on!" She cried running fast as she could go.

' If I go one there I'll get caught..' she thought. ' No! If I don't go in there my friends will either die or get hurt! I can't allow that to happen! I can't let Izuku get killed like Yuuya!' She thought as she and upon the school, she couldn't see anything the gate to the school was no longer it's normal form but a large solid steel bunker.

(Y/n) crouched down and jumped, she made half of way up the wall and grabs then digs the sword into the metal and swigging herself the rest of the way over and landing on the ground.

A large hole was in the side of the school. Blue flames sizzled on the grass and bushes. (Y/n) rushes inside, a god awful screeching sounded through the hall she was in as an Artificial Human  ran at her.

"The hell is that thing!" She yelled jumping over it as it leaped at her. She jams her pocket knife into its large neck sending it fumbling down.

(Y/n) could hear gun shots coming from somewhere down the hall. She removes her pocket knife from the body and begins to run again.

A battle was raging between pros, students, and the league of villains. Izuku was down, and Tomura was making his way towards him. (Y/n)'s eyes widened her mind was swept away in fear.

It replayed that dark day in her mind. Yuuya looked down to the floor to see his parents in pool of there own blood.

" What a nice present right, Yuuya?" Tomura said as he placed his finger in the blood playing with it as if he were a child playing in paint.

" Who the hell are you and why did you do this!?" Yuuya yelled.

" Did you really think being All Mights successor wouldn't bring chaos to your  happy little life. I'm stoping his Legacy now." Tomura said.

Yuuya glanced at the door to see (y/n) being thrown inside the home by another man.

" You leave her out of this!" He yelled.

" Yuuya!" She shouted tears streaming from her eyes.

" Shut up you stupid kid!" Tomura shouted kicking her.

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