Chapter 10

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' He can't find out at all.' She thought, " Look I don't have time for this. I told you, we can't see each other anymore." (Y/n) said walking pass him.

Izuku quickly grabs her arm, " You were fighting that guy for me earlier! You can't just walk away like that without giving me an explanation!" He shouted.

" I don't know what the hell your talking about!" She shouted back to him.

" I guess you can't tell me the truth can you?" Izuku said letting go of her and stepping away.

" I guess you'd rather have Todoroki right? You visited him right?" He said.

" Hell no! I swear, are you so dense!? I was dropping medication off to his piss poor dad! And you have the damn nerve to assume shit like that Midoriya!?!" She shouted shoving him back a little.

" Then when did you see him and not me?! Why didn't you come to see me!? I miss you damn it! (Y/n) I miss seeing you every morning! Everyday after school! I miss your smile! Laugher! I miss us yelling at each other!Do you not miss me!?" He yelled clutching over his heart, as if he was pouring it all out.

" Izuku... we can't be with each other, you're going to get hurt. I'm not some you should be with." (Y/n) said trying to keep a straight face.

Izuku then tangles his scarred fingers into the girls hair pushing her forwards into a kiss with every emotion being felt within him.

(Y/n) raised her hand and smacked him and shoved him away from her.  " I NEVER what to see you again Izuku Midoriya." She said turning her back to him and walking away.

Izuku stood clenching his fist looking down at the ground. ' Does she hate me? What did I do? What did she do?' He thought wanting to scream after her.

" Really sticking  to that whole ' I don't want to be with you' thing aren't you?" Mekhi said.

" You better shut that asshole you call a mouth." (Y/n) snapped at him.
" " Whatever, put your childish shit away right now. You've got a job to do." Mekhi said throwing her a piece of paper.

" The hell is this?" She said looking at the paper. "

It's a hit man unit, whose after anyone and everyone. But you're the one who's been mostly requested along with a few pros." Tai said sitting down in the couch.

"Send me into the lions den why don't you?" (Y/n) said popping her neck.

" I think you can handle it." Mekhi said spinning to look back at his computer. (Y/n) quick got dressed and went on her way.

' This place isn't very guarded.' (Y/n) thought pushing the steel gates open quietly.

'This can't be good.' She thought loading her gun as she stepped inside that cold house hold.

' No one's here...' she thought checking each room.

" It's about time you showed up." A low male voice said, (y/n) quickly snapped her head around to face this person.

" Pro hero Endeavor." (Y/n) said, " Isn't it time to stop playing around!" He snapped as fire was sent her way.

" Is that all your ' Hellfire' has?" (Y/n) said punching him and sending him flying back.

"You can't surpass All Might and you can't beat me what type of pro hero are you? Abuse your children, drove one so deep into the darkness he wants to help the hero killer. Shoto, hates you be careful he might become just as bad as Dabi. And your wife your poor poor wife." (Y/n) said  walking towards himself

" His name is Touya! Shut your mouth!!" He yelled back at her, grabbing her arm setting her ablaze.

The fire slowly sizzles out the show (y/n) still standing. " You're no man. You're just as wicked as me." (Y/n) said punching him.

" You think you're so high and mighty because you kill?!" Endeavor yelled punching the girl cracking the mask that covered her face, (y/n) stumbles back.

" What's your goal in killing all of these people monster!?" Endeavor said slinging (y/n) into a wall pulling cuffs out.

" You're rampage ends here. It's over for you." Endeavor said as a gun was pointed at his face.

" Enji Todoroki, I came to kill hit men but at the moment you are being held no different in my eyes. I will murder you with no remorse." (Y/n) said slowly standing up. "

Sliver tongued snake." Endeavor snapped.

" Hm your point is?" She hissed starting to leave quickly as possible.

LY/n) peeked out the window to see nothing but cop cars and pro heroes.

" You won't be getting away this time." Endeavor said slinging her out the door. " That's what you all believe."

She whispered standing up, placing the gun to her head as she walked over to the high windowsill.

" Bye bye." She said sickly pulling the trigger.

" No stop!" She heard Endeavor yell, as he body crashed down into the ground.

"Step out of the way please." Tai said pushing through the heroes with Mekhi in tow, (y/n) body had been lay there for hours at this point.

They lift the girl onto a carrier. " We'll take her to the moorage." Mekhi said loading her up in the ambulance and drove off.

" Whoooo!! That was an adrenaline rush bitches!!" (Y/n) shouted sitting up taking the mask off. " Did you see the pro faces?" (Y/n) said laughing.

" If I knew it was a trap I wouldn't have sent you." Mekhi said.

" Now it'll be a lot easier to fight Mekhi they think I'm dead." (Y/n) said stretching out her arms.

"Battle with pros is over but the war with the league is still going strong. They haven't hit us yet." (Y/n) said watching out the back window.

" You're right we need to be on our toes." Tai said lighting a cigarette and blowing the smoke out as it swirls around in the air. 

" Listen we just want one comment on record and then we'll leave!" A reporter said standing outside of the UA.

" I know how you people are give an inch and you'll want a mile." Aizawa said.

" They are trespassing, that kinda of makes them villains right? Why don't we just beat them up." Present Mic said.

" Not unless you want your name dragged through the mud let's wait for the cops." Aizawa said.

" Hey! Dumbasses instead of of messing with UA how about you go do some other cases. Like that drug bust down town or interview Endeavor!" (Y/n) yelled walking pass the gates of UA.

Dolls matching the look of pro heroes and 1-A students hung low from the large gate into the school.

. But two stood out, the ones hanging the highest in the gate ripped and bloody. They resembled Izuku and (y/n) herself.

" Listen kid why aren't you in school? And that language do you kiss your mother like that?" A reporter said.

" I'm graduated. And I don't have a mother to kiss. Now piss off from here. The police will be here any second, so again piss off." She said nodding in another direction.

The reporters quickly left. " Hey kid!! Who are you!?" Present Mic yelled at her pointing.

"Same to you, piss off old man." ( Y/n) said walking off with her hood cover her face.

'So this is your next move Tomura. Threatening my Izuku, my friends, my brother's heroes and teachers.'

She thought, walking past an alley, someone quickly pulls her into.

" So you're the little bitch Tomura is all worked up about." Stain said with a sword to her neck.

" And you're the bitch who's had the pro heroes scared shitless, unlike three little kids beat you up." (Y/n) snapped reaching into her pocket.

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