Chapter 51

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- Emily's P.O.V. - ( 3 months later jut because )

" Liam come on what's taking you so long! " I yell up the stairs for like the 5th time in the past 20 minutes. " And people say that girls take long getting ready yeah ok. " I mutter to myself as he comes running down the stairs.

" Sorry baby I forgot to log out of team speak. " He said and kisses my forehead. I giggled and roll my eyes at him.

" Yeah yeah come on! " I say and he grabs my hand and pulls me out the door.

- at the doctor thingy I honestly don't know the name if it -

" Ready? " H asks and I nod and we walk in. We told them that we didn't want to know the gender but now we do. We sign in and wait for our name to be called.

" Elizabeth. " We look at each other and get up and walk over to the lady. We go back into one of the rooms.

" Alright so this says that you don't want to know the gender. " She says.

" Yes but we have changed our minds about it. " I say and she nods and smiles back at us.

" Alright then you can lay up here and I'm am going to rub this gel on your stomach to see how everything is. " She says and I nod and lay down. We wait for a few minutes and then she checks the heart beat. " Everything thing looks good your baby's are health. " She said.

" Ummm did you say baby's as in two? " H asks and she nods.

" Yes as you can see here there are two little body on the screen and there are two heart beats. " She says points to the screen. " As for the genders I believe that it is two girls. " She said and smiled at us. We continue with check up then once that is all over we leave.

" So were having twins....... " H said and just stared off into space.

" Yup... but were having girls! " I say and he looks over at me and laughs.

" Your really excited about that. " he said and I nod my head in agreement.

" Yeah I guess that I always wanted a girl and now I get to have twin girls. " I say and he just chuckles and we got get chipotle and go home.

" So we have to pick another girl name. Any ideas? " H said/asks as we go sit in my recording room because we wanted to tell the guys.

" how about Madison? "

" I like it so Madison and Riley. " He said and I nod and smile at him.

" I love you! " he says and peaks me lips.

" And I love you! " I says and smile at him. As I look at him I never realized how perfect my life has been up to this moment. I have the best boyfriend and family. The best fans and friends, and everything is right in my life right now and I wouldn't change it for anything.

" Whatcha thinking about baby!? " he asks.

" Just life. " I reply.

" What about it? "

" How it has been perfect and how I wouldn't change it for anything. " I reply and he smiles.

" the same goes for me I wouldn't change one little thing about my life because they lead up to meeting you and I would never change that. " He said and kissed me.

" Awww! "

" So do you wanna tell my friends or your friends first? " he asked.

" How about yours. " I say and he smiles and pulls up team speak. After a few people join he tells them and pulls out his head phones.

" Wait you two are having twins?! " Stacy and dul say at the same time.

" Yeah! " I say and they start squealing.

" Now I know not to tell girls about stuff like this. " H mutters.

" Ha ya right your gonna have to be there for when I tell nikki. " I say and gives me a really look.

" Congrats you two! have you picked out names? " graser asks.

" Yeah Riley and Madison. " H says and then there was a lot of " awwws " and " congrats ". We talk to them for a little while longer. We say bye and sign off and he lets em sign into my Skype. After I do all that I call Mitch, Jerome, Noah, Ashley, and Jordan into a call.

" Hey guys! " I say and they all say hey back.

" What's up? " Mitch asks.

" Ok so you guys know about the pregnancy and all that but I'm having twins! " I say and all you hear is Ashley freaking out over everyone else. I up plug my head phones after she is done screaming.

" So girls or boys or both? " Mitch and Jerome ask.

" Girls. " H say and then you hear a bunch of awwws.

" So one of them is named merome right? " Jerome asks.

" No Jerome when you and Mitch have a child together them you can name it merome but I'm not. " I say

" Alright come on biggums let's have a child! " Mitch says

" Alright then I'll meet you at build a bear. " he said and we all laugh.

" So what are the names? " Noah asks.

" Riley and Madison. " H said and puts his arm over my shoulder.

" Awwww those are really cute names! " Ashley says.

" Yeah they are I still can't believer hat your have kids em. " Jordan's says.

" Yeah me either. " I say and we talk for a little while longer. We say our good byes then leave the call.

" So whatcha wanna do now? " H asks and I look at the time.

" It's 10 what is there to do? " I ask and yawn.

" Then let's just get some sleep. " H said and pulled me up. I nod and we go upstairs and change and I take off the little makeup I have on. I lay down in bed and grab my phone and go through twitter one last time. I shut it off and take my glasses off and set them on my side table. I've been wearing my glasses lately because contacts have been annoying. H comes and lays down next to me and wraps his arms around my now huge waist and rest his head my my shoulder.

" I love you em. " He whispers and hisses my cheek.

" I love you two. " I say and I can tell he is smiling and close my eyes. I fall asleep not shortly after.

- authors note -

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! this is the 5th to last chapter btw. Thank you all for the names for the other girl! I honestly couldn't pick so I wrote them all down and picked one from one if my beanies. So yeah and you guys are crazy with all the twin and genders and names things. And I honestly don't know why you have read this far I'm not a good writer at all. But anyways if you did enjoy slap that vote button and comment something random and I'll see y'all tomorrow BYEEEEE!!!!!!


Also congrats to maddie410 for having the name she said picked. And I'm gonna have trouble writing Madison with am o because that's also my name and I have a y instead. So if there is a y by accident sorry Ima try my best to spell it like it says.

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