chapter 27

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emily's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   Me, Nikki, and Jack were back at my house watching movies and eating a bunch of junk food ( fries, Ice cream, McDonald's, chips, candy, and popcorn with soda, tea, and energy drinks! ) We love food more than video games believe it or not! " I am going to pay you back. " Nikki says once the 5th movie ended. " You don't have to you know. " I reply. Yeah I was saving the money for hotels and stuff at minecon and pax but I had about 10000 saved for it so it didn't really matter, friends come first. " I know but I know you were saving the money for minecon and pax. " " Yeah but its all good I know jack didn't bring enough anyways." " Hey! I brought a thousand. " Jack said. " Yeah but you were 2 thousand short. " " You two are so weird. " " But that's why you love us! " Me and jack said in sync and then we went back to our movie and food fest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Giant time skip to a week before pax! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Me and H were sitting on his couch downstairs in the basement while we were watching some random movie I don't even what it is so post to be. About half way through H said " Hey babe. " " Yeah? " " are you excited for pax? " " Yeah why wouldn't I be?! " " Just asking I cant wait for you to meet the guys you are going to love them! " " I cant either...... Are you going to do a face revel or are you just going to let them find out what you look like on heir own? " " I'm going to do a face revel how about you? " " I don't know yet I fell like people wont like me when they see what I look like. " " Hey you beautiful every one will love you I know I do. " he said and kissed the top of my head. " " Awww thanks baby. " I said and pecked his cheek. after that we went back to watching movies. The movies we watched were horror but I think he did that on purpose good thing they don't phase me. I stayed the night at H's and we headed to the airport  to go to Pax Prime. Nikki and Jack were so post to meet us there because Nikki was driving them both. I can already tell these next few hours and days are going to be great!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   I hope you all enjoyed chapter 27! Chapter 28 will be out later tonight. What do you guys think of the story so far? With that don't forget to leave a comment an vote if you enjoyed and I will see you all in the next chapter BEYYYY!!!!!!!!!!


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