chapter 29

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emily's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   I wake up and i am in H's arms. I peck his cheek and get up while trying not to wake him and went to take a shower. After I got out I had to decide on what to where. " God why is being a girl so hard?! " I mutter while digging through my clothes. I decide on a black skinny jeans, a white v neck, combat boots, and my leather jacket. I had just finished getting dressed when I heard H get up. " Hey babe your up early. " he said and came over to me and kissed my forehead. " Yeah I slept on the plane so I didn't sleep in. " I said. I grabbed my makeup kit and put on my normal concealer, eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara. H was in the shower so I went on twitter and tweeted, " Good morning my little pups! Beautiful day in Seattle and cant wait to meet you guys this weekend! " I replied to some tweets and text Nikki asking if she was up when H walked out of the bathroom already dressed. He was wearing a plaid shirt, jeans, and sneakers he looked like his character. I went and curled the end of my of my hair and did one last look over. Cute I thought and walked over to h and pecked his cheek. " You look amazing! " He said as I sat down next to him. " Thanks you don't look to bad yourself. " I replied and pecked his cheek again. I get a text from Nikki saying yeah and she will talk to me later her and jack were going sight seeing. " you wanna go out to get something to eat? " H asked. " Yeah sure. " I reply and we both get up and I grab my phone, wallet, and shades and head over to the door where H was waiting for me. He inter locks our hands and we walk out into the hallway. We were walking around to try and find a place. We ended up getting fro-yo and walking around a park near by. We just walked around all day and it was funny every time H tried make fun of stupid stuff. We decided to head back to the hotel and I decided to make my face reveal video because it is Wednesday and Pax starts on Friday. I went to go get ready after the video was done. It was 9:30 so is sounded like a decent hour to go to bed. I lay down and immediately fall asleep. I am already loving this trip

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   Hope you all enjoyed chapter 29! 30 will be out later today and I want to thank you guys I have over 1K reads and it is amazing!!!!! Also today through Sunday there will only be 1 chapter a day because i have stuff going on sorry :( but..... Don't forget to leave a comment and vote and I will see you guys in the next chapter BEYYY!!!!!!!


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