chapter 38

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    We had just got back and I went to the hotel room. I didnt see Em but I note.

    Hey baby i went out with some friends.Sorry I didnt text or call yo I figuared you were out with the guys.I love you and will see you when I get back.

                                                                                - Emily

   I decied to call her but before I could get my phone out she walked in. " Hey Em. "

" Hey baby." She kissed my cheek and plugged her phone in. " Have fun? " She asked as I pulled her over to me.

" Yeah how about you? "

" Yeah going midnight bowling is always fun. " She said and I picked her up bridal style and brought her over to the bed. 

" Lets get some sleep for the second day of pax. " I said and dropped her on the bed.

" Fine. " She said as i layed down next to her and pulled her close to me. She curled up and rest her head on my chest. " Good night H. " She said and closed her eyes. " Good night Em. " I said and kissed the top of her head.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!!Next morning!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    I wake up to Emily snuggled up in my arms sound asleep. I check the time 7:30, I can let her sleep for about a half a hour longer. I get out of bed and make sure not to wake her up. I go take a shower and put on a flanal shirt,  jeans, and sneckers, god I look somuch like my MC skin. It was about 7:55 so I decided to wake her up now. I walk over to the bed and kiss her forehead. I just know relize that her hair is its natural color brown with a red tint.

" Baby its time to get up. " I say as i rub her back. She opened her eyes and looked over at me. 

" Fine. " She said and sat up and grabbed her glasses.

" You get to hang out with your friends today. " I remind her. Once I said that she got up and grabbed her stuff and went into the bathroom. I laugh and check twitter and my messages. After I finished that she came out and sat next to me. She was wearing a " Power Moves Only " shirt, black jeans, combat boots, and her gery beanie.

" Good morning baby! " I said and kissed her.

" Morning. " She replied

" You ok? "

" Yeah I guess. " She said and I pulled her into a hug and kissed her. " I love you my wolfy. "

" I love you my lumberjack. " 

" Come one lets get to pax. " I say and lace our hands together. She grabs her bag and we go down to the mail lobby, and she spots her group of friends. 

" Come one they want to meet you. " SHe said while she dragged me over to them. " Hi weirdos and Ashely! "

" Wolfy! " They yell.

" So this is him" One of them asked im guessing it was Bajancanadian.

" Yes Benja this is him. " 

" Hmmmmm....... Do you do youtube? " Jerome asked

" Yes. " 

" Then I aprove " he said and Em and ashely just start laughing.

" Thanks Jerome I just couldnt live without your aprovel. " She said in a joking tone.

" I know your welcome. " He said and smiled.

" Hmmm..... I guess if you like him then I can live with that, but " Mitch said and looked directly at me. " If you ever hurt her belive me we will all hurt you. "

" Wouldnt dream of it. " I responded as I see Graser and Bayani coming out of the elevator. " Hey Im going to go over to pax with graser and bayani. " I say to her.

" Ok. " she responds and I kiss her. YOu hear a bunch of awwws and I see her flick them off. " Bey I love you. " 

" I love you too. " I walk over to meet the guys and we head over to the convention center. " We walk in and it is about 9:30 so we decided to just walk around. We get some stuff signed and meet some fans. When it was 1 we headed over to the signing area and once that was done we walk around for another our then head back to graser's and Bayani's room. We hung out for a few more hours then we all head back to our rooms to get some sleep before he last day of pax. Em wasnt back yet so i decided to stay up and wait for her. She came in about 30 minuets later laughing her ass off. 

" hey baby! " She said while walking over to me.

" Hey! you ok you sound like you cant breath? " I ask after I kiss her.

" Yeah, besides having to hear Noah sing and teaching Ty, Ashely,. and as Adam how to skate which was hilarious. " We decided to go to bed I fell asleep with Em slightly snoring inmy arms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I hope you all enjoyed this longer chapter! Sorry it is up so late I really dont know why i post this story so late but my other story alot earlier. Dont forget to leave a comment and vote if you enjoyed and I will see you all in the next chapter BEYYYY!!!!


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