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"Where did she go?" Cameron asked.

"I don't know." Mavis said shaking her head in a disbelief.

"What just happened?" Elise asked.

"She betrayed us." Chris said plainly. "I was having a feeling that she will be the next one we kill." He said.

I could not believe what just happened. Margaret, my best friend since childhood, whom I trusted with all my heart, betrayed me? But for what? 

"She teleported herself somewhere else." Mavis said.

"What's happening? I don't understand anything." Elise said.

"Your boy's best friend betrayed us all and ran away." Cameron said.

"But why?" She asked looking at me.

"I don't know why she did it." I said.

"Because she got greedy. She thinks that she has gained all powers now she can do whatever she wants. She didn't want to fight the devil, instead, she will help him. I know she will. She was already evil from inside. I knew it when I laid my eyes on her, but only kept quiet because I thought maybe, I'm wrong. Maybe, just because she is your best friend, she is a good person and everything you told us about her is true." Mavis said.

"Don't worry about her. We'll deal with her. In the meantime, congratulations to you Elise. You lost all your powers and you are totally normal now." Cameron said plainly.

"Let's go find her." Cameron said to Chris. "And if we don't then you two love birds are gonna help us find her." He said and both of them left the room.

"Elise, you okay?" I said sitting down beside her.

"Yes I'm fine. I'm normal now, Harry. No more magic shit, no more powers." She said happily and the hugged me. I hugged her back.

Finally, Elise was out of danger, she was not a witch anymore, nor the child of the prophecy. Her powers were gone and she was a normal girl for everyone. But for me, she would always stay special. I was really happy, but at the same time, I was mad and angry at the one who betrayed me, Margaret, and for what did she do it? Powers? I could not believe it and was really disappointed. I just hoped Cameron and Chris find and stop her before she does something bad, and if needed, I would help them find her. But for now, I only wanted to focus on Elise and how to make our relationship stronger.


And that's a wrap! This book is completed after 57 chapters filled with suspense, curiosity, drama, comedy, romance and what not! For now, say good bye to these characters but they might see you soon in book 2! Which will probably never come out *sips tea* because I have to focus on my studies now. If I write a book, I have to be committed to it and it takes a lot of my time and effort which also eats up the part where I should be studying for my CAIEs examination, so we'll see after my exams. I'm actually planning on writing another book, which is not going to be a fanfiction *wow Shazza, honey, never knew you could also write a book which is not a fanfiction*  yes, I can. But, I will try my best to write a book 2 or a short story where I'll tell you how it all ended *even though book 2 does not deserve the disrespect to be a short story, it should be a lengthier one* but who knows what I will do. Not me. This Book will go through a lot of editing as English is not my first language and I'm not even good at my own language. *what a shame* *bye-lingual* I'm actually multi-lingual. So, thanks for reading and supporting my work. I hope you liked it. Thank you.


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