Chapter 53

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The next day went boring as hell. Harry was not there as he had to go visit his sister in the university's hostel, so he said that he could not come to school. The day went by slowly. I went home that day tired and bored, so I texted Harry asking him that was he back yet?

No reply came and I understood that he must be busy with his sister and I thought best not to disturb him while they are having a brother-sister moment together. I picked up my books from the bed and something slid out of them, falling on the floor. I placed the books on my study table and went back to pick it up. It was rectangular black card with VV written on it in red.

"VV?" I asked myself. "Oh. Valerie Vladimir." I said as I remember who had given me this card.

Underneath the initials, was the date, address and timing of the meeting written. I gave it another thought while I had nothing to do today, so I decided to go to this meeting. I got dressed and booked an Uber as I had to go there myself. Once, the Uber came, I rushed downstairs.

I walked towards the car and started having a strange feeling in my guts. The Uber driver looked at me through the window. He had blonde hair and some facial hair. I could not see his eyes as he was wearing shades.

 Climbing in the back seat of the car, I gave him the card on which the address was written. He entered the location on his phone's GPS and started driving.I kept looking at his phone to see if he was driving to the right spot, for the first few minutes, he obeyed the GPS's command but as the GPS told him to turn left, he took a sharp right.

"What the hell? " I said tucking my hair behind ears.

"I know a shortcut." He spoke in a falsetto with a fake British accent.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked not believing him.

He took off his shades and turned around to look at me. 

"Hi." He said in his cool American accent and winked at me.

"You! Again!" I gasped as I was shocked that I had not recognised him. 

"Yeah, baby. Nice to see you again." He said with a smug smile on his face.

"Why are you kidnapping me?" I asked.

"I'm not kidnapping you. I'm rescuing you." He said as he sped up.

"This is called kidnapping. That's it." I said cracking my knuckles.

I was about to break a promise. I started summoning up my powers.

"Look Elise, you are cute and I don't want to kill you but when you do things like this, I'm forced to do it." He said as he pulled out a knife and pointed it at me. 

It was the same knife that he was holding in my dreams I had not realised its details until now when I was seeing it in real life. The knife had pointy edges like shark teeth on one side while the other side was smooth and sharp. Even the handle of it was made of silver and had some engravings which I could not read.

"Don't use your powers." He told me.

"What are you going to do? Stab me?" I asked.

"I'll stab you once with this and you'll turn into ashes because it's that dangerous. Used only to slay witches." He said as drove with one hand only.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you want to kill me?" I asked as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Oh no, don't cry. Look, I didn't wanna snap at you like this but you can't go there." He said putting the knife back in his pocket.

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