Chapter 38

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"I'm tired so I'm going to sleep early tonight." I told Harry.

He was scrolling through his phone and gave no response. 

"Harry?" I called out to him.

"Hmm?" was all he said.

I felt my body temperature rise as anger seethed in me and for a moment I was about to snap at him but then I managed to stop myself. What was wrong with me? How could I get so angry at such a minor inconvenience? Just then, his mobile slipped from his hands and fell on the ground.He gasped loudly.

"Oh no." He said picking it up and hugging it to his chest.

"It's okay." He whispered to it as I watched in disbelief.

"Did you do this on purpose?" He asked turning towards me.

"N-no. Why would I?" I hesitated as I, myself, did not know that whether I did it or not.

"Because you thought I was not listening to you." He said.

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I tried to hide my embarrassment by looking away.

"I don't care whether you listen to me or not. I'm going to sleep. I did not do it." I said and with that, rushed upstairs to the room.

It was currently 11:30 p.m. It was my birthday in thirty minutes, so, to kill the time, I scrolled through some memes. As soon as the date changed, I set my phone aside and patiently waited for him to wish me but no notification came. I waited til 12:30 a.m. Still no wishes from anyone. 

Anger boiled in me but I tried to calm myself down and tried to control my powers. In the past few days, I had learnt that if I control my emotions, I could indirectly control my powers, but since then, my emotions have been growing stronger. I got enraged and sad at little things which led to me using psychokinesis to hurt people. It was not that dangerous as no one got hurt that bad. But I was terrified and hoped I may not end up causing a fire. I had not lied to Harry previously, I was really tired as I was busy with the school decorations all day long. I went to sleep as soon as my head rested on the pillow. 


I heard my alarm go off as I rolled in bed switching sides. Opening my eyes just a little bit to see the time on the clock, it was 8 a.m. How could it be? I asked myself as I had set the alarm for 7 a.m. I got up immediately and rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep when I heard.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday!"

I removed my fists from my eyes and saw a crowd of people standing in the room with balloons and party hats. They were my friends, Harry and his mom.

"What?" I said in a low voice as it totally slipped out of my head that it was my birthday.

The crowd started chanting the birthday song and I could not get a single word as they all were singing in their own ways. Just then, Harry came forward with a cupcake in his hand and smudged it on my cheek.

"Happy Birthday, El!" He said.

I gasped loudly and burst out laughing. Then I thanked everyone for wishing me and excused myself as I went to take a shower. They all told me to come downstairs when I was done and I nodded my head. Quickly taking a warm shower to get fresh, I changed into a striped sweatshirt with black jeans. I did my eyebrows, applied mascara and lip gloss, then headed towards the door of my room.

As I unlocked it, I was left speechless. There were rose petals alongside with balloons which were taped on the ground to lead the way. I walked towards the staircase and even there, the rose petals and balloons had not ended. I head downstairs into the TV lounge and saw everyone had seated themselves on the sofa. I personally went up to everyone and hugged them, first Anne, then Summer and Daisy. I was done hugging each of the boys except Harry. When it was his turn, I went up to him and gave a quick kiss on his cheek.

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