Chapter 55

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Another day came by as I got ready for school, hoping that he would come. When I got to school, I caught a glimpse of someone familiar but as soon as I saw him, he disappeared out of sight. I thought that it was getting to my head and I had started seeing things again. But then I saw him again and this time I was convinced that I was not imagining it, that he was really here. He had finally come. 

He stood silently by the lockers with his friends. His eyes were puffy and skin pale. His face showed that he was sick. Just as happy I was to see him, I was also sad. He saw me and for a moment my heart skipped a beat. I felt like running towards him and hugging him but all of it went away when he ignored me and walked away with his friends. 

I felt a pinch in my heart. I felt it breaking. He had never done this before. He would never do this to me, see me and walk away like he did not know me? I followed after them and he turned back. Our eyes met again but he ignored me and kept walking. I halted in my steps trying to figure out what was happening to me? Was he really Harry? Or was I just imagining? Was he really there? And even if he was? Why would he ignore me? I felt like crying but held myself together and patiently waited for bio period- the only period we had together.

As the periods passed, came the most awaited one- Biology. I sat patiently in my seat waiting for him to come, but he did not show up. I kept looking towards the entrance of the classroom throughout the lecture, hoping he would show up any moment, but he did not.

In break time, I saw him again, sitting with his friends at the usual cafeteria table. But he took no notice of me as I sat many tables away from him. Just then, I started hearing whispers of the students passing by.

"Did you hear? Elise and Harry had broken up. Taylor said she saw Elise with another hot guy, who was not from this school. She said that Elise was cheating on Harry with him and Harry had broken up with her now." Said one the girls to her friends as their group passed by.

"What?" I said to myself.

I saw Taylor walking up to Harry and whispering something in his ear after which he looked right at me and then ignored. He even ignored Taylor who stood there for a few minutes before Louis told her to leave him alone. How could he do this? Was he believing the rumours now? A tear escaped my eyes as I tried to hold myself together.

I spent the rest of the day walking through hallways, sitting idle in my classes with a heavy heart and having a hundred people staring at me judgingly. I decided to go to his house today and ask him what's the matter with him? If he wanted to end this then this was it. It would be my last time ever talking to him.


Today, I finally decided to face the world. I have been sleeping in for so long and needed to get out. I needed to see her face, needed to talk to her, but I did not know if I could do that. I did not have the courage to face her. I was feeling guilty, guilty for not being there with her when I told her that I would be, no matter what happens, I would be there to help, protect and support her. 

I did not know what to say when I see her. I did not know how to answer her questions. Where was I? Why wasn't I answering her phone calls? Why did I not respond to her text messages? Have I been sick? Am I okay? 

Nevertheless, I still had to go. But what would I tell my friends? Should I lie to them saying I was out of town? But for what reason? What would I say when they ask me questions about Elise? What would I say? Unprepared for all the answers, I got up and got dressed for school.

Being out in the sun after so long was hurting me. It was hurting my eyes as I have stayed in darkness for so long that my eyes have forgotten how to adjust to such bright lighting. When my friends saw me in the corridor, they all rushed towards me with questions that I had already imagined in my head. 

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