Chapter 15

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We sat under the shade of a tree. She sat cross-legged while I sat next to her, my legs stretched out forward.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked.

"Why do you keep asking me the same thing?" She replied to my question with a question. "I'm fine, just a little dizzy." She said.

"You can rest your head on my shoulder if you want to." I told her just to make sure she was feeling comfortable.

"You care so much about me." She said softly. "Why?"

"Because I like you, and I don't want you to run away from me thinking that I'm only using you for my work." I told her.

It was true. I liked her. I really did. But I was scared that she would run away from me thinking I used her for my work. I really wanted to let her know that I liked her, had feelings for her, genuinely cared about her and did not give a damn about grades or whatsoever.

"I know you are not using me for my work." She told me. "But why do you like me?" She asked.

"You are a wonderful person." I said.

"How is that?" She questioned.

"You just are. You are wonderful and amazing. You are humble, polite and kind. And also, I think you are very pretty." I could not think about words on how to describe her the feelings I felt for her. So, I just said whatever came to my mouth first.

"I'm not pretty." She said.

"Yes you are. You are not only pretty but also extremely adorable." I told her.

"You know there are girls in this school who are a lot more prettier than I am." She argued.

There might be a lot of girls out there who were pretty or hot or sexy but I did not care or give a damn about them. To me, she was pretty and adorable as she was different from them and had a sense of innocence that attracted me towards her. I thought she was very beautiful.

"It doesn't matter because you're the one I like." I pointed out.

"That was smooth." She laughed softly.

"Are you making fun of my feelings?" I asked gesturing my hand to my heart. "Ouch. It hurts." I said being dramatic.

"Stop it." She chuckled softly and I did too.

"I wasn't making fun of your feelings." She told me.

"Don't. Because my feelings for you are genuine." I said looking into her pretty chocolate brown eyes.

We sat there in silence.

"Do you have feelings for someone?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I don't know." She said. "Maybe."

"How does it feels?" She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"To like someone." She spoke.

"Well, you feel attracted towards them. You find them really cute. You want to take care of them and make sure they are okay. You would prefer to date them." I immediately stopped when I said the last sentence.

"Do you prefer to date me?" She asked and I blushed deeply.

"Yes." I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" She asked not being able to hear me.

"I don't know. Do you feel like this for someone?" I asked avoiding her question.

"Well, I have had feelings like this for a few boys when I was like in 7th, 8th grade. But they were like temporary. But I had a huge crush on this guy, I'm not going to say his name, when I was in 8th but the feelings faded away after sometime." She said. 

I felt really jealous of whoever it was. She had feelings for someone else but not for me? I did not like to think like this but usually girls would chase after me but she did not even find me attractive? I was hurt.

"Don't worry, Harry. I think your feelings for me will also fade away after sometime." She said softly.

"Or will they?" I said. " Because I don't think they will." I told her.

"I never had a boyfriend." She said.

"I can be one." The words slipped out of my mouth and I felt embarrassed when I heard her chuckle softly.

"I'm just too scared. I'm a coward." She said.

"Scared of what? Me?" I asked her. 

Was she scared of me? I wanted to make her sure I would never hurt her or let anyone else hurt her in any way possible.

"No. I'm not scared of you, Harry. I'm scared of breaking your heart. I'm scared of hurting you." She said.

"Or are you scared of being heart broken?" I asked her.

"Well, both." She said.

"Don't be. Because I will never hurt you and I won't mind being hurt by you." I told her.

"Harry." She said softly. "I totally respect your feelings. Thank you for liking me. I think you are an amazing person." She said and my heart fluttered. But was she just saying this in order to not hurt me?

"Thanks." I said.

There was silence for a few minutes. I could not hold it back in any longer so I spoke.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

Her pale cheeks turned pink.

"I don't know." She replied hesitantly.

"Oh, It's okay." I said feeling a little hurt.

"I will think about it." She said and my spirits were filled with hope.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Hmm. " She said shyly.

She liked me and now I was sure about it. She was just not accepting the fact that she had mutual feelings for me, because of her innocence and shyness. That's why I really liked her. I liked her innocence. I have never met someone like her before. She was very different from others girls at school. 

"Okay." I said.

The bell for the next period rang and we both got up to go to our next class.

"See you later, Harry." She said.

"See you later, Elise." I told her and softly pinched her cheeks.

I have been waiting to do this for so long, among other things. She looked at me wide eyed and her cheeks turned crimson. Then she smiled and walked away. I ran my fingers through my hair and followed after her.

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