Chapter 47

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As soon as I got back home, I received a phone call from Mavis who sounded like she would explode any moment.


"I know you have gotten back home so I want you here at the cafe right now!" She shouted over the phone.

"Woah! Calm down! What happened?" I asked.

"Do you have any idea what have you done?" She spoke.

"Me? I did not do anything." I defended myself.

"Yeah, you did not do anything. That's why I'm asking you to come here right now. And don't tell Elise, come alone." She said and hung up the call.

Within a few minutes, I was at the cafe sitting opposite to her in the room that I have been to before. She inhaled deeply trying to calm.

"What happened?" I asked in a low voice as if not to trigger her.

She opened her eyes and stared right into mine as if staring into my soul.

"The witch hunters came." She said.

"What?" I asked as I felt a mini heart attack in my chest.


"But why?"

"They are looking for Elise."

"Why? She did not do anything wrong." I defended her.

"She used her powers to knock out a witch hunter and not only this, she even erased his memory."  She spoke in a calm tone.

"Wait, Chris was a witch hunter? And how do you know if his memory was erased?" I asked.

"Chris is a witch hunter." She corrected me.

"Christopher Miles and Cameron Dallas are two of the most capable witch hunters of America. They came all the way to England in search of Elise. When Chris had gotten you both unconscious he had phoned Cameron and told him about Elise's capture. Then she used her powers to knock him off and erase his memory.  When Cameron arrived, you two have gotten away already and Chris was unconscious. When he regained consciousness he did not remember anything but Cameron did. They both know me well, so they came to me looking for her." She told me.

"But why are they looking for her? She only knocked him out in our defence. He was going to hurt us." I said.

"No, he wasn't." Mavis argued.

"Yes, he was." I argued back.

"They came not only to find her, but they also confirmed me something that I have been fearing." Her voice got low.

"I have been watching over her since the day she was born because I had been notified that a witch was born. At first, I thought she was a normal witch born with powers, but as soon as she found out about it, her powers grew even more. I could not completely recognise her, but there was something special about her, and now it's too late to stop her." She said in almost a low whisper as I listened to her carefully.

"What are you talking about?" I asked keeping my voice low.

"Elise is something greater and more powerful than just a normal witch born with powers. I have been watching over her. She used her powers so many times in her practical life. She used it to make that girl fall, she even used compulsion on her parents just so that they could allow her to go with you guys. And by what I saw, she had mastered it, even though I did not taught or even mentioned it to her. She can do more than what we think and I'm afraid that, by this stupid act of knocking Chris out and erasing his memory, she has alerted witch hunters and even other witches. The evil witches, the Countess of witches, is looking for her, Harry. And if she is deceived by her, than the world is soon going to come under the influence of evil." Mavis spoke as I gulped.

"Who's the Countess of witches?" I asked gulping with fear.

"She is the wife of the fallen angel, Lucifer, or as you all may call him, the Satan." She said and I looked wide eyed at her.

"Why is she looking for Elise?" I asked.

"Apparently, only Elise can bring him back. She wants her to do that. She will either use Elise for her work or take all of her powers and kill her." She said.

"What?" I said as I had another mini heart attack. These mini heart attacks were going to kill me.

"Yes, Harry. There is still something hidden about Elise's identity. Her birth. Maybe, something about her birth is important. That, only her parents can tell us." She said.

"And what will we do after that? Is there a way we could stop all of this?" I asked.

"I am afraid, there is none." She said. "Or maybe there is." She said giving me a weird look.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"We have to kill her." The words that left her mouth sent me into a shock.

"This is no time to joke with me, Mavis." I said trying not to believe her.

"I'm not joking Harry. There is only one way. The witch hunters are also looking for her, so that they could kill her." She said.

"No." I shouted at her.

"Harry, listen to me." She spoke politely.

"I don't want to listen to you and I don't want to believe you either. I won't let you kill her." I screamed.

"Harry, you'll find another love-"

"Excuse me? You are saying this so simply like 'oH yOu'Ll fInD aNoThEr lOve' like this is easy? Do you have any idea what I would have to go through? What she would have to go through? She did not choose to be a witch. It's not her fault that she was born this way. I will not let you kill her. HAVE YOU EVER FALLEN IN LOVE YOU STUPID WITCH?!" I shouted in rage.

"Harry, you are her strength. You make her feel strong." She said.

"Oh, I get it. Maybe, if I die, she would lose her strength and her powers too, right? I'm ready to die for her but I won't let anything happen to her." I said as my breathing got heavy and my body started sweating.

"No, that will only make it worse. She will be heart broken and a heart broken witch is more dangerous and evil then ever. The Count Witch will bribe her by bringing you back to life and then she'll do her work." She said.

"Isn't there any other way?" I said trying to calm down as my body temperature rose.

"No." She gave a plain answer.

"Elise is a nice person, Mavis. She would never do anything to harm anyone. She can't even hurt a fly. She is soft and kind. Please tell the witch hunters not to kill her because she is nice." I tried to convince her.

"I know that she is a good witch, Harry. And I hope it stays that way because that's what I told Cameron. He trusts me that's why, for now, Elise is not dying. But they are keeping an eye on her. One wrong move and she's dead. So, I need you to not tell anyone about this, not even her, and I just want you to look over her. Tell her not to use her powers. Tell her to meditate if she's feeling angry or irritated. Because that's what activates her powers, her emotions." She said.

"I will. I will do anything to save her. I will look after her and tell her not to use her powers." I said nodding my head.

"Good. Also, you have to talk to Elise's parents and bring them here when Elise is not around." She said.

"Okay. I'll see. B-but please, Mavis, I beg you, p-please find another way to stop all of this. I love her. I don't want to lose her. Please." I pleaded.

"I'll try my best, Harry." Was that she could say.


That night, I could not sleep. I tossed and turned in my bed thinking about it over and over again. My heart was aching at the thought of her dying. I wanted her here. I wanted her next to me right now so I could be sure that she was safe. I could not let her get killed. She was my first love, the first women I had ever fallen in love with, and thinking about her death just agonised me. 

I had made up my mind, that whatever happens, I would not let her use her powers. I had to keep her safe and I also had to talk to her parents. What were they hiding from us? What could it be? 

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