Chapter 34

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Time went by rapidly as I was busy in doing a research on witches. It was 3 a.m in the morning and I had not slept yet. Seeing her breakdown last night shattered my heart. I was researching in hope of finding something helpful because I wanted to help and protect her. She had been through a lot lately, the nightmares, her messed up schedule, lack of sleep and burden of work was just too much for her. She did not deserve this. In fact, she needed a break from all of this.

I could not find anything which could be of any use to me, just some history about Salem Witch Trials. I wanted to find out who is a threat to witches and there was only one answer- the witch hunters. So, who was that guy that Elise told me about? Was he a witch hunter? Or maybe a witch himself? And what did he mean when he told her that she does not know herself who she is?

I thought maybe, I should talk to Mavis about it, but it was too late now, she must have been fast asleep at this hour of the night. I logged on to my instagram account and found that Elise was online. 

I texted her:

Why are you up so late?

It's 3 a.m.


It's witch hour. Witches are awake
at this time of the night😂😂😂😂

Why are you not asleep?
Are you a witch too? 😂😂

Seriously? You are always up at this hour?
 You never told me that.

Oh God noo.
I was just kidding.
I couldn't sleep.

Is it because of what happened  yesterday?


So, are you not going to sleep just because that
 guy named Cameron comes in your dream?

You know Cameron is extremely hot so I
should be sleeping just so that
he could come in my dream.

Excuse me?

But no.
He comes in my dreams to kill me 
So it is very sad you know
That a hot guy comes in my dreams just to kill me
sed react only.


Harry I was just kidding.

ha ha ha
Now go to sleep.

I what?

I'm also going to sleep
See you tomorrow 
Take care of yourself


I wanted to send her one last text, but then I thought now is not the time to say it. I have tried to say it a lot of times before but then I changed my mind. I wanted to tell her about how I actually feel about her but I always let it go and thought not now, maybe some other day, some other time, when we are under the beautiful night sky full of twinkling stars, that's when I wanted to tell her, that, I love her.

It was true. I was madly in love with her and had a hard time accepting it myself. I loved her unconditionally and wanted to tell her about it but  could not find the right time. So, I thought maybe,  today,  I will take her out for stargazing and there, I will tell her about my growing feelings for her.

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