Chapter 04

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The bell for our lunch break rang and I shoved my books in the bag. On my way to cafeteria I was joined by Niall and Zayn who were discussing about their History homework. When we entered the cafeteria I saw Liam and Louis waving their hands at us signalling us to come sit with them on our usual spot. 

As we sat down on our table forming a circle, the cheerleaders walked past us, Taylor being one of them, waving her hand at me, mouthing a 'Hey babe' with the rest of them giggling. I rolled my eyes as soon as she was out of sight.

"You don't like her, do you?" Louis questioned.

"I really don't." I replied straight forwardly.

"You know she is the one behind the rumours. She was the one who told her friends about you guys dating." Niall said.

"How do you know, Niall?" Liam asked.

"We heard her talking to her friends saying you guys went on a date and it's official now." Zayn said.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. 

"Yeah." said Niall.

"Are you going to do something about it?" Louis inquired me.

"No, I'm just going to keep my mouth shut on this topic and won't say anything unless I'm being asked about it." I replied crossing my arms over my chest. 

I was angry. Pissed off. Why would she say that when nothing of that sort happened? I mean, yeah, we went on a date but it was just one date. 

"And what would you say if you were asked about it?" Liam asked.

"I would straight up deny it." I replied. "I will clear things up with her, later." I said.

Just then I spotted a group of girls sitting a few tables away from us. The girls were chatting among themselves a bit loudly and I heard a familiar soft voice. The hair at the back of my spine stood on edge while my head shot in their direction. 

Then I saw her. She was wearing an over-sized grey sweater, her hands hidden in the long sleeves of it, paired with a light washed jeans and white sneakers. The waves of her honey brown hair fell loosely over her shoulders and chest as she softly chuckled at something her friend told her. She looked beautiful.

Seeing her, all the tension drained from my body and I relaxed a little bit. 

"Who are you staring at?" Niall nudged me.

I broke my stare away from her. 

"No one." I replied trying to keep a straight face.

"This no one, is someone." Louis looked in the same direction as I was previously looking.

"C'mon Harry, tell us. Who was it? Because whoever it was, you looked kind of mesmerised by her." Liam told.

"Just, no one." I repeated and they gave up on inquiring me further about it as I saw Zayn signalled them not to ask further questions. 

They might be thinking that I was over analysing the whole rumour thing in my head. After school, I did not go to the coffee shop but instead went home and took a nap. I planned to go there later in the day as now I knew she worked there and was satisfied that I would see her.

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