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yugyeom sat on his and bambam's bed. he was finished getting ready and just had to wait to leave so he kicked everyone out of his room so he could be alone.

he wanted to call bambam but he knew he was probably still getting ready and he didn't want to bother him.

yugyeom couldn't help but think about how amazing bambam was going to look. and that was hard to day since bambam always looked amazing. he couldn't wait to show the world how much he loved bambam.

bambam was possibly even more excited. his whole family was there, all the way from thailand for the wedding. well almost everyone, he had a few family members who weren't happy that he was marrying a guy so they weren't there.

"i miss yugyeom. this is dumb. why can't i see him?" bambam whined, making mark slap the younger's thigh because he was laying back onto his nicely done hair.

"half an hour, bam. you can see him in half an hour. sit up so you can finish your makeup."

bambam quickly finished his before doing chu's makeup because she claimed she wanted to be pretty. bambam told him her that she was already beautiful anyway but still did a little bit of makeup on her.

bambam's best man was mark and his two groomsmen were jackson and his brother bank

yugyeom's best man was jinyoung. and his groomsmen were jaebum and youngjae.

not only in their relationship, but in their lives, mark and jinyoung had played such a large role in bambam's and yugyeom's lives. it was not a surprise that they were their best men.

seeing bambam walk down the isle, yugyeom swore his heart sped up. it truly hit him that he was going to spend the rest of his life with him.

the one thing that bambam was upset about, even though he shouldn't have been because it couldn't be changed, was that most his family couldn't even understand his and yugyeom's vows. but it still meant a lot to him that they were still there for him and accepted him and yugyeom's marriage.

during their first dance, bambam was surprisingly not the once to bawl his eyes out, yugyeom, however, was. he shoved his face into bambam's neck as he cried. he didn't care that his and bambam's families were watching them. he was so overwhelmed nothing else but bambam mattered. but bambam still did cry. but he held yugyeom as tight as he could while they continued to danced.

"i've known bambam since he moved here from thailand. i've always felt like i needed to take care of him. and when he was in sixth grade he met yugyeom and i think yugyeom fell in love right then and there. and i think they are an example of a perfect couple." mark's speech was short. he loved bambam and yugyeom, a lot, but he was not so good at putting it into words.

"when yugyeom told me he liked bambam, i wasn't surprised at all, to be honest, because he was super obvious. but it was sad to see yugyeom pining over his own best friend. they have always been there for each other and i believe that bambam always liked yugyeom and just didn't know it. these two are the best example of soul mates. and they're both younger, the youngest of our friends, but i have always hoped to have a friendship and relationship like them."

both boys hugged mark and jinyoung tightly, both kissing the younger two on their cheeks.

"we love you. congratulations," jinyoung whispered to both of them.

the most annoying thing about the day was people talking about how young they were. comments about how they were only 18 was one of the most spoken phrases of the night.

yugyeom put his arm on the back of bambam's seat. they had a break of people coming up to talk to them so yugyeom leaned over to whisper in bambam's ear.

"want to go dance, baby?" bambam nodded so they went to the dance floor. the slow song was one of bambam's favorites which was partially why yugyeom had asked if he wanted to dance.

"i want to go back to the hotel," bambam said softly. he loved his family but he also wanted to be alone with his husband.

"one more hour, baby. people have been leaving. soon we can leave and be alone together all night."

that night, after bambam was completely exhausted, they both sat in the bathtub and opened all of their cards and counted their money.

"young and rich," bambam said, waving some of the money in yugyeom's face.

they got a lot of money. yugyeom's family was very well off. bambam's family was less so, especially being from thailand.

they had mad sure to say goodbye to his family when they all left because most of them would be leaving in just a few days before he would get to see them again.

"we made the bath dirty," bambam giggled, the back of his head against yugyeom's bare chest.

yugyeom nodded, his hands softly trailing up and down bambam's sides. he occasionally ran his fingertips over bambam's nipples to hear the pretty whines that came out due to how sensitive bambam was.

"'m tired, yuggie."

they got out of the tub. bambam managed to get out despite the pain that had already started to set in.

"i love you, yugyeom kim," bambam mumbled as they laid in the hotel room bed, ready to fall asleep.

"i love you, bambam."

the two didn't go on a honeymoon. but they did go about an hour away and stayed at a nice hotel for two nights. yugyeom's family was paying for it so they didn't mind.

the nights were worry free. their friends had agreed to go over to their apartment and make sure the cats had food and water.

"my baby, thank you for existing and being the love of my life."

"thank you for asking me to marry you."

this is the last chapter :)

if you celebrate, i hope u had happy holidays and hopefully got to spend the time with your family

love him // yugbamWhere stories live. Discover now