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bambam trudged out to yugyeom's car at 7 in the morning. he let yugyeom grab his hand when he sat down in the passanger seat.

"morning, baby." yugyeom got a hum in response, not that he expected much more. bambam hated mornings but he was much happier than yugyeom pulled into the parking lot of the coffee shop next to their school. they were still 40 minutes early for school and the coffee shop was a two minute walk from their school.

yugyeom ran inside while his boyfriend had fallen asleep on their way there. it didn't take long to get there drinks so he wasn't leaving bambam alone for more than a few minutes.

he drove over to their nearly empty school parking lot and let bambam sleep for a while longer since they had the time.

around 15 mintues before classes started, yugyeom woke bambam up. "here's your coffee."

"thanks." bambam took a drink through the straw before he started to get out of the car as yugyeom had begun to do. they grabbed backpacks and started walking into school.

they sat in the bridge, holding hands, while they waited for classes to start. "you look handsome today."

"thank you, baby. your makeup looks really nice today." yugyeom patted bambam's head that he had laid on his shoulder.

they sadly seperated to go to their separate classes, but not without making a dramatic scene in the hallway outside of bambam's class.

they only had one class together and that was at the very end of the day. "how has your day been?"

"fine. 'm tired," bambam said, laying his head on his stretched out arm. yugyeom smiled and ruffled his boyfriend's hair. no matter what bambam did or said, yugyeom thought he was absolutely adorable.

"want to go get food after school? we can get the chinese place," yugyeom offered. bambam didn't take long to agree.

"how about your day?" bambam asked, drawing patterns in yugyeom's palm with his finger.

"fine. great now that i'm with you."

"i'm glad we have a class together." they had one class together the year before, but other than that they had never had a class with each other.

"me too, bammie." even though they knew they would still see each other everyday, it would be nice to do projects together or just get to talk and see each other

after school, yugyeom and bambam went to the small chinese resturant. like normal, they were the only two in the eating part of the restaurant.

yugyeom placed a piece of his chicken on bambam's plate, stealing one of bambam's.

they didn't talk much as they ate but on their way to yugyeom's house, they went back and forth about their day. bambam said he didn't have anyone make fun of him like what had been happening the school year before.

"see, i told you no one would even care. you can be whoever you want to be." yugyeom squeezed bambam's hand.

"good, because now i'm yours." and yugyeom's heart fluttered. "i'm not the guy that hooks up a bunch anymore and i don't want to be him or known as him anymore."

"you could be anyone and i'd still love you. but i'm glad you're mine and i'm yours."

yugyeom was grateful neither of them had homework so they could both lay on his bed and cuddle. yugyeom kissed the top of bambam's head that was laying on his chest. bambam was on top of yugyeom as they cuddled.

"what time is it?" bambam asked so yugyeom grabbed his phone from next to them and checked the time.

"6. in about a half hour they'll call us."

so half an hour later, yugyeom got a facetime call on his laptop. he answered it before wrapping his arm back around bambam and putting his head on his shoulder. bambam was sitting between yugyeom's legs.

everyone else was already in the call by the time they answered.

"how was your guys's first say of school?!" jackson asked loudly. he himself was sitting on jinyoung's left thigh

"good," bambam told them, putting his hand on yugyeom's thigh to sit up. "i miss you guys."

"we miss you, too," youngjae said. "you guys are so cute. i mean, we all knew since like 6th grade that you would end up together."

"mainly because of yugyeom's permant heart eyes," mark added as bambam leaned over and grabbed a piece of clothing before slipping it on over his head.

"okay let's talk about something else," yugyeom said as he put his arms back around bambam's torso once again but this time, shoving his hands in the front pocket of the hoodie he put on.

"ah! they're so cute!" jackson screamed, pushing back against jinyoung's chest. jinyoung just nodded and agreed with his energetic boyfriend.

"when do you guys all start classes?" yugyeom asked, trying to get the attention off him and his blushing boyfriend.

"we all start in a few weeks."

it wasn't until bambam covered his face with his hands that they all realized he was crying.

"hey, baby, what's wrong?" yugyeom spoke softly into bambam's ear.

"i miss you guys so much!" bambam let out a sob. "i wish you guys didn't leave! and i wish growing up wasn't a thing!"

yugyeom could only hug him tighter and comfort him.

"and it's dumb because you guys are all seperated from each other and i even have yugyeom but i just really miss you guys and i'm sorry for being selfish." bambam sniffled and sunk into yugyeom's chest.

"bambam, you're not selfish. we all miss each other but we miss you, too. just because we miss our boyfriends doesn't mean we don't miss you," jaebum told him, to which all the boys agreed with him.

"bammie, don't be sad. you can call or text us whenever you want." yugyeom whipped the tears off of bambam's face as he carefully listened to mark's words.

"don't be sad, my angel," yugyeom whispered to him, swaying them back and forth.

"he called him his angel, nyoungie."

they stayed on facetime until jaebum's roommate started getting annoyed. the threesome couple had their own, more explicit facetime call after. and yugyeom cuddled bambam, giving him all of the kisses he could, until they both fell asleep.

tbh idk how much long this story will go so 🤷‍♂️

but i have been writing a markbam fic that's gonna be all angst and smut with just some fluff peppered in and i'm sorta tempted to publish it

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