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while at school on friday, bambam had started to feel sick and by the time they got to yugyeom's, his throat was very sore and his nose was running.

bambam didn't get sick often, but when he did he hated it. he tried to do everything on his own because he hated being a burden to anyone. he was also more sensitive. and it wasn't a secret bambam was already a sensitive person.

"bammie, let's lay down," yugyeom told the boy who had become so light headed he started to sway back and forth. yugyeom would of carried him to his room but bambam insisted he was fine.

a few hours later, bambam was freezing cold even though yugyeom knew the room wasn't even under 75° fahrenheit.

"i'll go home, yuggie." bambam tried to get up from the bed but yugyeom did not let him.

"bambam." yugyeom didn't yell his name, but it was a stern tone that bambam perceived as yugyeom being mad at him.

"please don't be angry at me," bambam said before the tears began. yugyeom rushed over to him and grabbed his hand.

"baby, i'm not mad at you. you have to stay here so i can take care of you and get you better. i don't want you to leave, my baby. i want to help you feel better."

bambam sniffled and looked into yugyeom's eyes. "i'm sorry."

yugyeom shook his head and leaned forward to kiss the top of bambam's. "there's nothing to be sorry about, my angel. i'm sorry for sounding mean."

yugyeom wrapped bambam in one more blanket and sat next to him. "i'll go make some food and tea. do you want to watch a movie?"

"yes, please, yuggie." bambam knew it couldn't nod because it just made his head hurt more.

yugyeom grabbed his laptop, opened netflix, and put it in front of bambam so he could choose what he watched. "i'm gonna make food. i'll be back, baby."

one of yugyeom's favorite things to do was baby and take care of bambam. some people thought it was be annoying but he couldn't disagree more. maybe it was that he felt needed or he just wanted bambam to be happy and feel good. or both.

yugyeom tried to make the food as quickly as he could. but he could only boil water and cut vegetables up so fast. but he did make tea and that didn't take as long so he ran that to bambam.

"hey, baby, i made you tea." he set it on the side table next to the bed and helped get bambam's arms out from the blankets he was under without messing up the rest of it.

"thank you, gyeomie."

"i'll be back in a little bit with soup, babe."

yugyeom brought the soup to bambam the moment it was done so he couldn't let bambam eat it right away.

"do you feel okay, enough to eat?" he knew bambam didn't usually want to eat when he was sick. he always has to convince him that eating would help him feel better quicker.

"yuggie, i don't like being sick," bambam mumbled as he struggled to sit up.

"i know, bammie. after you eat you can sleep. it's good it's friday." bambam pouted but opened his mouth when yugyeom held the bowl and spoon front of his mouth.

yugyeom fed bambam a few more bites before letting bambam feed himself. yugyeom only didn't like when bambam was sick because he couldn't kiss him or cuddle him as much. he didn't want to get sick because he didn't want bambam to worry about taking care of him even though knew bambam wouldn't mind.

once bambam was done eating, yugyeom tucked his adorable boyfriend into his bed. bambam sleepily mumbled complaints of not being able to cuddle yugyeom.

"come wake me up when you wake up, baby." yugyeom kissed the side of bambam's head. when he stood up, he took a picture of bambam. he looked so tiny in the big bed as he held onto yugyeom's pikachu plushie.

yugyeom wasn't kicking bambam out of the bed so he was going to asleep on the couch. he didn't mind because the couch was actually very comfortable. "i love you, gyeomie. i'm sorry. i can go sleep on the couch."

"don't even worry about it, my bammie. go to sleep so you can get better. i love you."

yugyeom grabbed a blanket and went to the living room. he decided to watch some tv since he never did anyway. he also wasn't tired because he was having bambam go to bed early since he was worn out with just being sick.

yugyeom's mom walked through the living room around midnight and was surprised to see her son in the living room instead of in his room with bambam.

"what are you doing out here?" she sat next to him and moved the blanket a bit to cover his foot.

"bambam is sick so i'm letting him sleep in my bed. i'm going to sleep on the couch tonight."

"how's he doing?"

"i think he's going to more sick like he ususlly does. i wish he was better. he hates being sick."

"it feels like yesterday that i was caring for you like you do for him. yugyeom, yesterday your dad asked me if something is going on between you and bambam. and i didn't tell him but i just want you to know."

"i want to tell him but i don't want him to hate me or bam. or for him to not let bam come over anymore."

"yugyeom, you know i would never let that happen. i know you and bambam love each other and i will not let him take that away from you. i understand if you don't want to tell him, okay? don't worry about this. just take care of your boyfriend."

"i just- it's so hard. i want to talk to him but some of the stuff he says doesn't make me want to tell him."

"if anyday you do want to tell him, you know me and bambam with both support you. go to sleep, sweetie. i love you."

"i love you, too, mom." yugyeom smiled at his mom as she stood up and began to walk back to her bedroom.

yugyeom turned the tv off and laid down even though he was thinking too much to sleep. but around 1:30 in the morning, yugyeom thoughts were thankfully cut short when he fell asleep.

at 4 in the morning, bambam ran from yugyeom's bedroom into the hallway bathroom so he didn't throw up in yugyeom's bed. bambam never knew why but whenever he threw, he cried.

"baby, it's okay, shhh." yugyeom rubbed bambam's back and tried to soothe him. "it's okay, bammie."

bambam didn't throw up for long but he did feel very weak, so yugyeom helped him brush his teeth before they went to the living room.

yugyeom rubbed his back while the older laid his head in his lap. "can you go back to sleep?"

bambam was already falling asleep in yugyeom's lap as he asked that question. yugyeom was glad he could sleep even though he felt so bad.

"i love you, baby."

"love, yuggie," bambam whispered cutely. yugyeom would think it was much more
adorable if he wasn't so sick. "my yuggie take care of me."

"yes, i take care of you, my angel."

tbh the rest of this story might be nothing and if you don't want to read it you don't have to. it will probably be just fluff and like no plot

i love soft and subby bambam so i might end this story soon and make a story around subby bam lol

love him // yugbamWhere stories live. Discover now