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secret kisses under a blanket while yugyeom's dad sat just across the room was how yugyeom and bambam spent their friday night.

bambam knew he had changed. but he would rather have that night 100 times over before he would want to go hook up with guys he didn't even like ever again.

it was like a game. how many times could they kiss during the louder parts of the movie before yugyeom's dad even realized they were under the blanket. their giggles would give them away before the kisses themselves. they weren't worried. they knew they could come up with something if his dad thought anything suspicious was happening.

bambam pretended to be asleep when the movie was over and yugyeom pulled the blanket down from over their heads.

"we're going to head to bed," yugyeom told his dad who nodded and said he would do the same. once he had went to his and his wife's room, yugyeom carried bambam to his room.

"yuggie, you didn't need to carry me," bambam whined as yugyeom set him down on the bed.

"i know, but i wanted to," yugyeom teasingly whined back. he climbed into the bed next to bambam, letting the older find his place in his arms.

"school starts so soon," bambam mumbled, not necessary looking forward to it. "it's going to be so weird, you know?"

"yeah but everything will work out." they would both miss seeing their friends everyday in the halls or at lunch. but it was their senior year and they had each other.

"i won't be able to kiss you all the time." yugyeom smiled at bambam's complaint and shimmied down to be face to face with bambam.

"you can kiss me now. and you can kiss me after school. maybe even before school."

yugyeom hand rested on bambam's hip (the one that wasn't against the bed) when he started leaning closer.

yugyeom was sure he'd never take kissing bambam for granted. he swore it was a blessing to his life that he got to kiss bambam. but even more than that, it was a blessing that he got to see bambam nearly everyday. not everyone could say they see someone so beautiful everyday.

when bambam moaned after yugyeom sucked on his bottom lip, they turned on music just incase someone, namely his father, heard something. but it also didn't go any further so they didn't have much to worry about.

"i love you, bam," yugyeom muttered sleepily. bambam hummed and nuzzled his nose into yugyeom's neck. yugyeom's fingers softly rubbed bambam's neck as they both slowly fell asleep.

"want to go get breakfast, cutie?" yugyeom asked his sleepy boyfriend. he loved the older's hooded eyes, his puffy face, and swollen lips. bambam looked so beautiful all the time, even first thing in the morning.

they put on clothes that were comfortable and left to get breakfast, bambam didn't even bother putting on makeup even though he usually would.

before getting out of the car, yugyeom leaned over to kiss bambam quickly because he wouldn't kiss him in the restaurant, despite how much he may want to. "i love you."

bambam smiled a sleepy smile. he had fallen asleep on the way there because they left yugyeom's very soon after he woke up.

"you're so handsome, yuggie." bambam loved telling yugyeom how attractive he was. he felt like yugyeom said it to him so often, he should return it because he really did think yugyeom was extremely attractive. seeing him grow into the guy he had become was amazing.

yugyeon smiled and grabbed bambam's hand that was laying on the table. he lifted it and kissed his knuckles softly. bambam's giggle made yugyeom's morning 20 times better even though it was already good.

yugyeom wanted to cover bambam's face in kisses but since they were in public, he didn't, even though it was all he ever wanted to do.

occasionally, yugyeom wondered how bambam could like him. bambam was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. but he wasn't only attractive. he was funny and sweet and adorable. everything bambam did made yugyeom's heart swirl.

"thank you. you're so pretty, too, baby. i can't believe we're dating," yugyeom hadn't even realized he said it. he was dazed, his head leaning on his hand that wasn't holding bambam's.

bambam giggled and blushed which made yugyeom snap back to reality and realize what he said. "ugh you're so adorable!"

"sorry," yugyeom blushed but bambam just thought it was cute. but the old couple next to them didn't seem to appreciate their cute back and forths. they didn't care. because in their eyes, they only saw each other.

they left the restaurant holding hands before yugyeom pulled bambam into a hug as they stood next to his car.

"we should go school shopping," yugyeom told him. bambam always liked getting a new outfit for the beginning of school, so they started a tradition where they would choose and buy an outfit for each other.

bambam didn't want to but he agreed because they started school in just four days. so the rest of their day was spent school shopping for both supplies and clothes.

they walked around the store, swinging their arms and hopping around together. they had fun, even though they were a bit annoying to the stressed parents who were trying to buy school supplies for their children.

they went back to bambam's and tried on the outfits they bought for each other. yugyeom knew bambam would look amazing in the outfit he got for him.

"ah! you look so cute!" yugyeom shouted, standing up to hug bambam when he walked out in the outfit. "i love it!"

bambam smiled shyly. he loved when yugyeom told him he thought he was cute. he loved that yugyeom was attracted to him.

"i swear, you're an angel." yugyeom kissed bambam softly. the day had been an entire time for yugyeom go realize he was actually dating bambam. he'd liked bambam for so long and he was dating him now. "and you're my angel and i think i was a saint in my past life to deserve you."

"yuggie, i'm not as great as you always say."

"you are to me." yugyeom sat down and grabbed bambam's hips to get him to sit on his lap. "you're so beautiful. inside and out. why don't you think you are?"

"because i used to hook up with random guys a lot. you're so much better than me."

"bambam, you are a beautiful, an amazing person. and the fact that you used to hook up doesn't change that. if it bothered me, do you think i would of had the world's biggest crush on you when i knew it was how you lived your life. i will always accept you for who you are."

bambam laid his head on yugyeom's shoulders tears started to fall. he didn't know why he had started to doubt yugyeom's love for him after they started dating. maybe he didn't want yugyeom to think he was gross now what he was kissing the same lips so many other guys had touched with so much less feeling behind it.

"i'll love you forever, no matter what." yugyeom rubbed his boyfriend's back and could just whisper reassuring things to him.

hi i wrote the end of this while watching the studio life mircale thing and i love them so much. the song is so beautiful ugh i cry over them lmao

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