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yugyeom's face had never shown a bigger smile than when bambam jumped into his arms once he got off the place. it was three in the morning so the airport was empty expect for the flight bambam had gotten off of.

jinyoung may of been tired but the look on yugyeom's face when he saw bambam was worth the long drive and getting up so early. he had gone to bed at seven the night before in order to drive with yugyeom all the way to the airport.

"how was your flight?" yugyeom asked before they had even seperated from their hug. he knew bambam's flight was long and he was alone this time unlike his way to thailand when he had his mom with him. she was staying a few more weeks and had purposely got him an earlier flight home so he wouldn't complain about not seeing yugyeom for so long.

"good." bambam finally pulled away from their hug and went to hug jinyoung. bambam loved jinyoung's hugs. they made him feel safe and like jinyoung really loved him.

the three waited for bambam's luggage which yugyeom wouldn't let bambam grab when it came out. bambam was upset because it was three in the morning for them but in his mind it was only three in the afternoon but yugyeom wasn't changing his mind.

jinyoung didn't mind when yugyeom and bambam sat in the backseat while he drove. yugyeom had drove on the way to the airport for that exact reason. the two shared a blanket and jinyoung listened to a book on tape while they talked. bambam sat in the middle seat to be close to yugyeom and make it easier to share the blanket.

yugyeom didn't mind when bambam fell asleep on him. yugyeom knew bambam hadn't slept on his flight even though he always tried to act like he did. yugyeom just brushed the hair of the boy who had fallen asleep on his chest.

jinyoung glanced at them in the rear view mirror every once in a while. he wanted to know what yugyeom was thinking. he knew the younger was happy to have his best friend back from thailand, but did the position they were in make him upset?

yugyeom had already told jinyoung he could just stay at his house to drive as little as possible, so 2 and a half hours later, they got to his house.

yugyeom had no troubles carrying his paper thin best friend into the house and to his room while jinyoung grabbed his suitcase. he left the suitcase with yugyeom and ruffled the younger's hair and told him he would go sleep on the couch.

yugyeom had no issue climbing into bed next to bambam. he was glad to pick up bambam from the airport but he was tired.

it was as if bambam was attracted to his body heat because it didn't take long for him to cuddle up to yugyeom. yugyeom, who wasn't even asleep yet when bambam clung to him, welcomed him in his arms. he missed having bambam cuddle up to him the middle of the night, a very regular accurance when they stayed the night together.

jinyoung walked into yugyeom's room the next morning and looked at the two who were still asleep. any day of the week they could be mistaken as a couple, but especially when they cuddled. he didn't know how yugyeom could do it. he could never hold hands, cuddle, and be so close with someone he was in love with but only saw him as a friend. but jinyoung admired yugyeom for still being an amazing best friend.

bambam woke up first. he looked around with a somehow more puffy than usual face. he smiled a bit when he saw jinyoung through the one eye he wasn't rubbing with his fist.

jinyoung gestured for bambam to get up and follow him and he tried. it took a while for bambam to get out of yugyeom's arms but he eventually did.

jinyoung told bambam they should make breakfast for yugyeom and bambam excitedly agreed. bambam also took the time to thank jinyoung for picking him up from the airport with yugyeom. they didn't care about using the food because he knew yugyeom's mom wouldn't care.

jinyoung, who got clingy texts from his boyfriends, told bambam he had to leave before they took yugyeom his breakfast in bed. bambam have him a hug before he left. jinyoung ruffled bambam's already messy hair before he went out to his car.

bambam carefully took the breakfast he and jinyoung had made up to yugyeom's room. he set it down on the large window sill so he could wake yugyeom up without spilling the food anywhere.

yugyeom was happy to wake up and see bambam, a sight he hadn't seen in two weeks. "mm what time is it?"

"almost 10. me and jinyoung made you breakfast but jinyoung had to leave." bambam let yugyeom sit up as he grabbed the food from the window sill. he set the tray next to yugyeom and sat himself down.

"why'd you guys do this?" yugyeom cleaned the crust out of his eyes while bambam tried to shove a piece of fruit in his mouth.

"because you're sweet and picked me up from the airport at three in the morning! it was jinyoung's idea."

yugyeom covered his mouth as he chewed the half strawberry that bambam had put in his mouth. "have you eaten?"

"no. but i'm not hungry." but yugyeom didn't accept the answer so he made bambam eat half of the huge breakfast that he and jinyoung had made. yugyeom knew bambam was hungry. it had probably been at least 16 hours since he last ate.

"tomorrow we're all gonna hang out," yugyeom told bambam as they washed the dishes. he would wash it and hand it to bambam for him to dry and put away. they both knew it would make yugyeom's mom happy because she didn't make him do the dishes or anything and always did it on her own. "everyone missed you. but i missed you the most so i'm most important."

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