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"bambam, can you come with me?" yugyeom asked nervously. bambam stood up and nodded, ready to follow yugyeom into the other room. yugyeom glanced up at his friends who were smiling and putting their thumbs up because he had already told them.

"what's up, yuggie?" bambam asked. he looked around his boyfriend's room while yugyeom shut the door.

"bambam, you know i love you, right? oh fuck that sounds bad. one second."

yugyeom jumped up and down and shook his head from side to side before he stopped and looked at bambam again. his eyes darted to bambam's hands and back up to his eyes. and once again back to his hands so he could grab them.

"bam, i love you, so much. and we both graduate tomorrow. and i don't know if this is too much-" yugyeom was cut off by his door being slammed open and a yell coming from his cousin.

"what are you two doing in here? come on!"

yugyeom told him and bambam to go and he could catch up after going to the bathroom.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. this is a bad idea. i can't do it. i'm not doing it. that was fate telling me i can't and i shouldn't and i won't." a knock on the bathroom door made yugyeom nearly jump out of his skin.

"yug, hey, can you let me in?" jinyoung's voice was muffled by the door but it was still a relief to yugyeom. he was glad it wasn't bambam because he would be too embarrassed.

yugyeom opened the door and closed it the minute jinyoung slipped in. "i can't do it, jin. i can't."

jinyoung listened to everything yugyeom said. "yugyeom, nothing you just said to be matters. you know and i know that nothing will go wrong. bambam's mom will be here soon. i think you should do it then."

it felt weird for yugyeom to avoid bambam. he hated it but he couldn't see him. he had to wait.

but when it came time, it was like all of yugyeom's fears went away. "bambam, come stand with me, baby?"

bambam stood in front of yugyeom while people started turning their attention to them since they were now standing in the middle of the living room.

"why?" bambam asked. he wasn't standing up straight like he usually did. being around yugyeom's family was scary for him when all of their attention was on them. the only who could make it for bambam was his mom since his family all lived in thailand unlike yugyeom's.

"i love you. a lot. a ton. more than i think is sometimes humanly possibly. and this might be too much but i believe i'll never meet anyone i love like i love you. so, bambam, will you marry me?"

it wasn't until after he finished speaking that he pulled out the ring and got down on one knee. he hadn't done it before because he didn't want to ruin the surprise.

bambam pulled his hands away yugyeom but only to wipe the tears that started to fall. he nodded, his nods getting quicker as he thought about being married to yugyeom.

"yes, i'll marry you, yuggie." yugyeom stood up and nearly fell back when bambam darted towards him to kiss him. "i love you, so much. so much."

"told you you could do it." jinyoung smiled and ruffled yugyeom's hair once the two walked over to them.

"yugyeom, let's talk after everyone leaves," yugyeom's dad said and before yugyeom even got time to think, bambam was holding onto his shoulders, keeping him from looking at his dad.

"there's nothing to worry about. even is he's mad, we can moved out- we're moving out anyway. everything is going to be okay, yuggie."

"you're right. it is. how could it not be? i'm going to marry you. oh shit, i didn't give you the ring."

"where did you even get money for a ring, yug?"

"would you be mad if i didn't buy it? they all bought it as a graduation gift," yugyeom admitted, gesturing to their friends, which bambam had no problem with.

"it's so pretty," bambam said in awe as yugyeom pulled the ring out of his pocket. he let the younger slip it on his finger before he continued to admire it.

after everyone left, bambam didn't. he hadn't planned on leaving anyone but he was sure he wasn't letting yugyeom talk to his dad all alone.

"how long have you two been dating?" his dad asked very calmly.

"nine months. but i've liked bambam for a long time." yugyeom was so timid and bambam hated it. he wanted yugyeom to be as confident as he usually was.

"it took a lot to do that in front of all our family. and i'm happy for you both."

yugyeom started crying and hugged his dad. his dad was confused but he rubbed yugyeom's back. "i thought you would hate me."

"you'll always be my son, yugyeom. and now so will bambam." those words were the biggest amount yugyeom could of asked to hear from his dad. "even if bambam has always been part of this family."

"did you ever think anything was going on?" yugyeom asked later as the three sat on the couch to be able to talk about everything.

"a little bit. but you two have always been so close, i figured it was just you're friendship. you've always been so close. i remember when you came home that say after school and were so excited to tell you about the boy you met. you said he was really short and had a funny accent but you really wanted to be friends with him. i really should have figured out that you liked him, though. you were pretty obvious."

yugyeom's hand rested on the inside of bambam's skinny thigh for the rest of the night as they all talked. yugyeom's dad told bambam stories about how obvious yugyeom had been when they were younger.

they both gave him a hug before they went to yugyeom's room. yugyeom sat on the bed and bambam stood between his legs. yugyeom's fingers ran up and down bambam's sides as he looked up at the older.

"you're so pretty, bam," yugyeom said. bambam smiled and that turned into a giggle. "i love you."

"we're engaged. that's crazy. i love you." bambam leaned down to kiss his boyfrien- no, his fiance. "did everyone else know? like of our friends?"

"yeah, i told them. i was really nervous and they all told me how dumb i was and how you would never say no. but it's still so crazy to me that we're together. you don't think this is too soon, right? you didn't have to say yes."

"i want to marry you, yuggie. i said yes because i want to. you're like moon to my earth. you keep me together."

"that was so cheesy, oh my god. i love you."

"let me be cheesy," bambam whined as he sat on yugyeom's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. "handsome."

"hm you're more handsome. most beautiful person on the whole earth."

the two talked about their future the rest of the night, not getting enough sleep for their graduation ceremony the next day but they didn't care.

they talked about their plans for moving out in just a few weeks. they'd been looking at apartments, specifically ones where pets were allowed because bambam wanted cats at some point.

they even talked about if they wanted a wedding; they did. when they wanted to have it; in a year. yugyeom said he wanted a smallish wedding but they agreed they could have a big reception. bambam's family could visit. they would make sure all of their friends could come.

"i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," bambam whispered to yugyeom as they laid on the bed, sharing the same pillow to be closer to each other.

next chapter will be the last one 💓

if u ship bambam with everyone in got7, go read my newest story "cute"

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