Chapter 17

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AN - Hiya guys. I'm sorry for the long wait. Power supply has been sporadic here because of the tropical storms.

This chapter is dedicated to BellaBumbleBee18. Thank you for being patient!

Damien/Dy’s POV

Adrian was taking Ray out of the library. I worried for a while since Ray bit Adrian. Kirk’s Beta might try Tiberius’ method of removing a mark. It wasn’t Ray’s fault. A human wasn’t supposed to be able to mark a werewolf if he’s not the real mate. Somehow Ray managed. It must be related to his problem. I have to deal with that later. After all, I did promise Ray I’d help him that.

Now back to the problem in front of me. The gammas were now trying to flank me and my mother. I let out a small growl of warning and felt satisfaction as they stopped. I don’t know how I did it but somehow I managed to stop them and even that brown haired girl. The Alpha was watching me with a curious smile on his face. Beta Lucas as usual had his stoic face on.

“So you are THE Omega.” Tiberius sneered at me. “Gammas, take him now!”

Kirk sprang to action and started to shift in his werewolf form. My mother on the other hand grabbed stuff in her pouch. She hates to shift now as she claims that the transformation was bad for her joints. I think she’s just making excuses because she needs her hands to throw her poisons at enemies. She only shifts to run and escape.


The Alpha voice was strong enough to stop me briefly from moving to a crouching stance. The gammas on the other hand froze and whined slightly. As expected, Tiberius growled in anger. Elders aren’t affected by the Alpha voice that much it’s because they were former Alphas and Betas. They acted as counterbalance because they couldn’t be controlled properly by the current Alpha. This prevents total tyranny from happening in the pack.

“Peter! What are you doing? The omega is here, we need to contain him.” Tiberius waved his skinny arms towards me. “You’ve seen what he can do. He can issue commands and he can ignore you-“

“Why?” I interrupted the elder. “Elders can ignore the Alpha voice and they can also command pack members. Is it because I’m too young that you see me as a threat?”

The gammas glanced around curiously. Even Alpha Peter paused and bared a flat smile. Kirk shifted back into human form to stand beside me while Tiberius spluttered trying to answer my question. Instead he gave me a hard glare. An ominous silence stretched on.

Thankfully my mother intervened. “Son, that’s what omegas are.” This only confused me more. Omegas in packs are usually treated like slaves. They bend themselves over and back pleasing the pack members.

I didn’t realize that I said that aloud as Alpha Peter responded. “Omegas in packs are treated that way; one reason is they’re born to resist the voice of Alphas.”

My mother spoke again. “Omegas used to hold the same authority the Elders had. They couldn’t be controlled so they could be the counterbalance of the Alpha in a pack. In a way, the Omega in a pack holds the veto power against an Alpha.”

“I’ve read about that during training.” Kirk squinted as he tried to remember. “During ancient times, Omegas ruled right beside Alphas. The Omega is immune to commands and he keeps the pack from being fully under control of the Alpha.”

“If that’s the function of an Omega, then why are the Omegas now being enslaved?” I wondered aloud.

This time Beta Lucas spoke up. “Because it’s the only way to control an Omega. It’s something packs picked up after being exposed to human slavery. They saw that humans were independent however with slave treatment; they could be controlled by other humans.”

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