Chapter 16

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AN - More of a filler chapter

PS - Marco on the side. Although he should be a bit hairier but meh, who's complaining?

PPS - Congratulations to Asioncon for getting it. I really should stop with the spoilers LOL

Adrian’s POV

The pounding in my head was killing me. What the hell happened? I could barely move. It felt as if lead weights were attached to my arms and legs. All I could do was make them tremble. My eyes also felt like it was taped shut. Voices penetrated my ears but I couldn’t really understand them.

The last thing I remember was being chased by lunatic women.

Oh no, the women!

Remembering their contorted faces and slimy appendages made me bolt upright in fright.

“Hey! I need my armpit blindfold back so they can’t see me!” Someone whined beside me. I quickly faced the owner of the voice and saw a white haired boy with brown, almost red eyes.

My hands roamed his face as I exclaimed. “You’re a boy right? Not a girl? Not one of them?” I remember him now. If my files are correct, this boy would be Ray, a friend of Damien.

“Last time I checked, I got the pointy thing instead of the hole-y thing.”

Somehow this relieved me. “Thank the goddess, no women!” I started smothering him with kisses, finally glad to see someone of the same gender.

“Hey that tickles.” He giggled. Suddenly I felt a sharp bite on my neck and I reared back and slapped my hand to it.

“What did you do?!”

Ray pouted at me. “I thought we were playing nips and kisses!” He whined adorably.

Adorably? Wait I’m straight! But Ray’s lips were deliciously pink and moist after the bite. “You marked me!” Ray only stared back at me with a look of mild confusion.

“Ugh, I hate to interrupt your make out sesh, but we do have a situation here.” Spinning around, I saw Damien talking to me. Beside him were Matt and someone who I believe was Annaliza, Damien’s mom. A quick scan in the room also showed several werewolves and Tiberius, one of the elders of the pack.

“He marked me!” I whined at Damien.

“That he did.” Damien stifled a laugh.

“He’s not my mate.” I growled back.

Matt looked a bit worried.  “Dy, you don’t understand. Adrian has a mate already but he hasn’t marked her yet.”

“Ooooh,” Damien looked at me with his mouth in a big ‘o’ “Crap.”

“Curious thing boy,” Tiberius’ gravelly voice broke through our conversation. “This is the first time I’ve seen a human non-mate force a mark on someone.”

“There’s a first for everything I suppose.” Annaliza looked at me thoughtfully. “I wonder how this will affect Adrian’s mate.”

“It certainly is affecting Adrian,” Matt barely kept himself from smiling. “I mean this is the most I’ve seen him with emotion. Usually he’s so stoic even if he’s with his mate, Jenny.” I glared at a now grinning Matt.”

“Is this an Australian mafia?” Ray’s slight voice made everyone’s head swivel towards him. “What? All of you have been going on and on about mates and stuff. It’s either that or you’re all pirates on land.” He gave a knowledgeable nod. “Or auditioning as voice actors for spongebob squarepants.” He added thoughtfully. “Eeeee, cute doggies!” Ray saw the gamma guards and immediately bounded over them. A few of them growled at him.

Reacting on instinct, I quickly grabbed Ray and hugged him protectively and I growled back. However, I was growling more at some of the gammas who were wagging their tails as if expecting Ray to scratch their ears. I know he’s cute but he’s mine! … I think. Oh no, it’s starting! “Back off!” I said angrily.

“This is nice.” Ray’s muffled voice came from my armpit.


“Nope, Ray’s not here. I’m invisible.” Ray squeezed himself more into my body. I flushed at what he was doing and I looked guiltily around and saw everyone looking at me with interest.

I was about to let out a sharp retort when someone else entered the room. It was the Alpha and Beta. Matt and the others stiffened into a guarded stance.

“Adrian,” Annaliza said without looking at me. “Be a dear and take that boy with you. There’s a side door here leading to a conference room. Keep him safe there.”

“Got it.” I cradled Ray in my arms ignoring his protest at being ripped away from my underarm. A few of the werewolves suddenly moved to block me. Matt and the others barely managed to stop the pursuing werewolves and they stood between me and the gamma guards.

I growled again at those tail wagging gamma guards again. This time they had their tongues lolling out and looked at Ray expectantly. “Ray’s mine!” Wait, what? I’m now getting confused.

“We’ll deal with this Adrian. Go.” Matt commanded me. Turning around, I dashed into further into the library and saw the side door and went inside and closed the door. Ray won’t have to see the possible carnage that will happen outside.

“What’s going on?” Ray looked up at me, brown red eyes filled with innocence.

“Nothing Ray, they’re just talking.”

“I’m sleepy.” And he promptly snuggled back into my underarm. Weird kid. I quietly let him settle in my arms and waited until his breath evened out. Slowly, I felt up the bite Ray gave me and I trembled as my fingertips traced small teeth indentations. Yep, I was marked real good.

Question now is will Jenny, my mate, listen to my explanation?


AN - Confession time. I have not seen Teen Wolf yet. I've been meaning to watch after someone told me that the show also has Druids and a Banshee. Maybe I will this week cause now I'm curious.

This youtube video has nothing to do with my interest in watching the show. 

Vote, comment :3


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