Chapter 4

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Hooray, time for a POV shift! So excited, this would be my first time. LOL


Matthew/Kirk’s POV

I could see the shock on Damien’s face. It was true. There were times that I felt possessive of him.

A werewolf starts searching for a mate a few months before the eighteenth birthday. Strangely enough, my feelings for Damien were sporadic. It’s like I was being teased now and then. One day I’d be so into him, the next day I’d feel nothing. It was the most confusing feeling ever.

It wasn't the way my mother told me. Supposedly, the feeling grows stronger every passing day until the werewolves are old enough to mate. It helps the two werewolves get to know each other and be ready to mate after both their eighteenth birthdays.

“I know it sounds stupid but it’s true Dy.” I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. “There are times when I just want to cuddle you.” It was weird because most of the time it would be in the afternoon. Since last period was usually gym class, seeing him naked in the locker usually made things worse.

Pools of amber brown eyes looked at me in disbelief. Seriously, Damien was cute. Black hair styled to a point, a lopsided baby-like grin showing a full set of white teeth peeking through pink lips that would make my heart flipflop. He was shorter than my by a few inches. Seeing him all flustered and blushing right now took a lot of my willpower to keep myself from leaning forward and kissing him on his forehead. Like I usually did.

“Kirk, I’m sorry… But I don’t feel anything. At all…”

I flinched at what he said. Is he rejecting me? No that can’t be right. He’s not feeling anything like he said. His birthday will be in a couple of months too. Shouldn’t he be itching to find his mate. “What… do you mean?” I asked him hesitantly.

He looked uncomfortable as he pushed his hands into his jeans. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’m different.” Damien let out a sigh.

This was not going on how I planned to. He looked dejected, being reminded why he got banished. I hated my old man for doing this to Damien. A lot of outcasts were welcomed back into the pack. Especially our pack, the Silver Moon pack. We took in a lot of outcasts and helped them. Why would Dy be different?

A prickling at the back of my neck told me that another werewolf was creeping closer. Probably Marco. He was power hungry enough to find any scrap of information as leverage to help him become my Beta. Given the chance, he’d try to grab my position as Alpha heir apparent.

Dy suddenly cupped his hands and blew in between them towards where Marco was. A resounding yelp ensued and I felt Marco limp away. Shaking my head, I looked at Dy’s smug face. “You really know a lot of stuff Dy.” I’m glad it broke the tension between us. For now.

“Blame my mother.” Dy shrugged. “She knows a lot of things.”

“Yeah your mom. Does she still make those awesome chocolate drinks?” I remember Damien’s mother. She was half Asian and half American. Most wolf packs hated interracial werewolves. Something about diluted bloodlines and the danger of birthing defects. Dy’s mother, Annaliza was different. She was respected for her Druidian lore in herbs, potions and even spells. And she made the best beverages for the pack.

“She still does.” Damien knitted his brow thoughtfully before continuing. “In fact, she always makes sure I drink a glass every breakfast and I always have it for lunch.” I remembered his choco drink falling between my feet as he crashed into me at the cafeteria.

When we were pups, Damien always had a special chocolate drink brewed by his mother. In fact, I tried stealing his cup once and got scolded by my father which was weird.

It was close to nine in the evening. Damien always worked four hours after school and twelve hour shifts on weekends. I was looking at him intently, hoping to find some spark. Something that would solidify what I’m feeling right now. Come to think of it, this was the longest conversation we had. Usually, he’d bolt right after class and I stayed away so that my father wouldn’t know I was trying to talk to him.

Damien was starting to sweat profusely. “Is it just me or is it getting hot?”

The air was definitely humid. It smelled like it would start to rain any time now. Damien tugged at his collar and loosened a couple of buttons of his polo shirt. That was when the scent hit me.


My sense of smell was overloaded with lemon, pine and the smell of the forest air at nighttime. Damien’s eyes widened and his pupils dilated with obvious arousal. With a growl, I bounded towards him and enveloped him in my arms. Dy was too shocked to evade which was surprising; he always managed to escape from me. My wolf wanted to lick him all up. Dy’s scent was driving me crazy!

“No…” Damien’s muffled voice sent vibrations in my chest. “Impossible!”

I looked down and saw his amber eyes looking at me with undisguised want. A slight bend was all it would take for my lips to touch his. Dy closed his eyes, moist lips parting as he groaned with need. Just one kiss and he’ll be mine.


Damien’s eyes opened and in a flash I was hugging air. Marco that idiot! I turned around and glared at the incoming werewolf. Marco flinched as he saw my face. Adrian was just several feet away walking briskly towards me.

I turned around again to look for Dy and saw that he was gone. It didn’t help when Marco started talking behind me. The bastard had impeccable timing.

 “Alpha,” Marco called timidly. “It’s your father and the inner pack. They’re looking for us.”


AN - So that was a little bit scrambled in my opinion. Sorry about that. I'm suffering from acute writer's block. I'm also exhausted taking care of 40 patients every day. I'll try to write more though. 

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