Chapter 31

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At this point, Aden didn't even bother trying to run.

He was just tired.

Tired, and bruised, and, this time, bleeding.

Drunk on his power over someone so much smaller than him, Dax had forgotten his unspoken rule to not hit Aden's face, to keep his abuse hidden, and had rewarded the panting, pained boy a split lip and a nasty black eye.

The skin on his stomach was a hue of colors, from fresh purple to fading green to sickly yellow. His breath caught, and every breath made him wince in pain.

He looked down to the watch on his wrist. Practice would be over by now. He needed to get to Nathan before Lexa came looking for him.

Somehow, with the little strength he had left, Aden hobbled over to the familiar office of the head of Arkadia's security, intent on seeing the only other person aware of the abuse he was suffering for a small bit of relief before he put on a brave face and pretended nothing was the matter.

Unfortunately for Aden, he wasn't that lucky.


He knew his lip was bleeding, as well as his nose. He could feel the puckering of his eye already, and knew that he couldn't claim that he'd fallen. You were not an idiot.

"You should see the other guy," he managed with a small sort of smile, and he felt himself toppling over, off-balance and dizzy, but before he could hit the ground, soft hands were steadying him, gently sitting him down on a chair.

"Who did this to you?" he didn't ever think he'd heard you so deathly calm in his entire life. He knew that this was not a good thing. His head was spinning and his eyes clamped tightly shut, as though trying to will all his problems away.


Logically, he knew that he couldn't worm his way out of this. One way or another, you would have your answers, and then, by extension, so would Lexa.

Lexa would kill him.

She wouldn't even hesitate.

"You can't."

He hadn't realized he was speaking until he'd repeated the words several times over, shaking his head, eyes still tightly shut.

"I can't what?" You were less calm now, an edge of panic to your voice. "Aden? Who did this to you?"

"You can't tell Lexa," he pleaded, and the words were like a prayer on his bleeding lips, "you can't tell Lexa, (Y/n)."

"What do you mean I can't tell Lexa?" You gaped. He couldn't see the disbelief in your eyes, but he could hear it in your voice. "Aden how long has this been going on?" You lifted gently at the hem of his shirt and he didn't bother trying to stop you, he just shut his eyes harder when he heard your soft gasp upon seeing the physical reminders of his tormentor.

"Who did this?" You repeated after he remained silent. "Aden. Look at me."

He didn't want to open his eyes. He knew the second he did his resolve would crumble, and the tears he'd been fighting would spill from his eyes, and he knew that you would be even more enraged than you already were.


He opened his eyes.

You were staring back at him, and the tears spilling down his cheeks were mirrored in your own.

"You can't," he repeated, but his words were shaky and he couldn't finish his sentence, "she'll..."

"She has to know, Aden," you repeated. "Who's doing this to you?"

Catch me, I'm falling. (Lexa/you)Where stories live. Discover now