Robyn and Sehun

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Robyn p.o.v

Lately me and Sehun have been getting really close to eachother. He has been really supportive ever since Kris left like that. It really broke my heart. Every morning Sehun and I would wake up have breakfast and walk to the Bubble tea store. He loved bubble tea as much as me but Kris never did. Me and Shun have a lot in common but me and Kris........ well not really.

Everyday when I see Shun my heart thuds loudly. Am I beginning to like him? O.O! No Robyn you can't! Out just broke up with Kris. I have noticed Kathy giving me glares and trying to take Sehun but he said that he would rather be with me. tHen they had a heated argument and split.

Kathy still gives me those chilling glares but at least I know that I have Sehun here to protect me from the wicked witch of the west. (Kathy).

"Robyn? Roooobyn?! ROBYN !" I opened my eyes Cuz of the loud yell of my name to see sehun. His face inches away from mine. I froze in my spot and so did he. He then cleared his throat and looked he other way with a tinge of pink in his cheeks.

I poked his cheeks and smiled at him before pushing him to the ground. "ROOBYN THat huRT!" he yelled rubbing his head. I grinned at him and ran to the bathroom with him chasing closely behind. As soon as I got to the bathroom I turned to lock the door but he was already trying to open the door.

"I got first dibs on the shower Sehun" I said. "oh yeah?" he opined the door lifted me by my waist and planted me on the floor. Just before he closed the door he poked his tongue out at me.

I smiled and shook my head while laughing. Oh I will get you Oh Sehun. I thought.

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