Tao and the dumpster

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Fono p.o.v

I strolled down the hallway of the school when I suddenly got shoved against a locker by someone. They were holding on to my shoulders very hard. I could feel sharp nails digging into my skin. I looked up and saw the circus clown with the rest of the circus. I looked up with a poker face ignoring the pain in my shoulder blades. I shook her hands off my shoulder and spat in her face.

touch me again I swear you will lose your hands. Fono

oh please I hve heard better threats than that bully

it wasn't meant to be a threat it was meant to be a warning Fono

before I walked away I grabbed her hair and smashed her head against a locker causing a dent in it. she groaned in pain while I stood there looking at the circus clowns with the most intimidating look I could give them. Just then a crowd of fangirls crowed the hallway. I struggled to get out of the sea of girls. suddenly I was pushed against a muscular body. I looked up to see no-one but the famous Tao of EXO. everything went quiet and looking at us even the EXO members. Tao being Tao pushed me like I was a ragdoll. everyone laughed at this. ughh just a few days ago they were admiring my dance now thy act like total dicks. I got up dusted myself off and slapped Tao grabbed him by his hair and with my poker face on then dragging him outside with everyone following the me dumping him in a huge dumpster. everyone watched me with a surprised look then the fangirls and the EXO members were glaring at me while the boys were praising me like a goddess

treat me like shit I treat you like shit got it? ever heard of treat others the way you want to be treated?  yea well treat me like that I treat you like that... see ya!


I walked away like nothing happened. I was really happy cuz I have never done that before just then the bell rang oh well.

I got everything ready for my lessons and made my.way to math my first lesson oh joy note the sarcasm ughhh

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