13: A (Very) Bad Idea

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After his two friends went to the kitchen Ant ended up talking to another friend and he thought that if Dec wants to drink more because that's his definition of 'fun' - well let him, the headache tomorrow is his. He heard them talking out there and he heard laughter, but after some time with silence, he decides to walk out to the kitchen to make sure everything's all right, but he finds Oscar standing there alone.

"What the fuck are you doing, and where's Dec?", Ant exclaims and nods towards the shot-glasses and the now empty bottle of vodka on the table


"It's like you're trying to drink him under the table."

"I'm not, I'm just- I don't know, trying to make it easier for you to make a move.", Oscar shrugs, "But-"

"But what?"

"Think he's taken for tonight, quite sure it was him Alex talked about."

Ant sighs again. Oscar, sometimes... He is so- Ant doesn't know... he thinks so weird and without logic and consequences at times...

"It's just- I made the mistake making him drink way more than necessary and ended up cleaning up his sick and I'd hoped that I could avoid that tonight.", Ant says before he also realises what Oscar said before his 'but', "What do you mean making a move?"

"Yeah, make some kind of move and if it goes wrong, tomorrow you can blame the alcohol.", he shrugs as if that was the most obvious thing ever.

"You're saying that I should take advantage of the fact that he's drunk as fuck because my best friend tricked him into drinking until unconsciousness or what? How are you thinking?"

"No, not take advantage of him, but take advantage of the situation."

"The situation you've created...? The last thing I want is to hurt him!"

"Hurt him, what the fuck?", Oscar just stares at him with big open eyes, "I'm talking about like telling him you fancy him, not like raping him for god sake.", he almost laughs when he says it.

Ant is taken a bit back, because okay... So it was his thoughts was the sickest. It was his mind that for some reason immediately thought about raping - and not Oscar's. They stand there in silence for a few minutes until Ant asks:

"Where is he now?"

"On the loo I think- We were talking, had fun but suddenly it looked like he became very emotional and just said he needed the toilet."

"And you didn't question him?"

"I- this is the first time I meet him but of course I asked him if he was okay, but he just said he was fine and that he would be back soon."

"Okay, yup... Ehm... I need to check he's alright." Ant nods but as he turns around:

"Anthony, seriously, did you for real think I was suggesting that you should try to rape him?", Oscar looks at him and he doesn't know what to answer, because, yeah, he kind of did. Something in that direction at least, especially when he started to talk about using the situation to his advantage. - But when he thinks about it, Ant was the one to first use the with word 'advantage'


Dec felt already after the first shot that it was a bad idea. Very bad actually. But he is not a person to back down and he's not always brave enough to say no to alcohol. Oscar was nice, he was fun and easy to chat with. So Dec drank more and he guesses because of he alcohol-level he went from one mode to another very fast. One moment he was very happy, they talked about Anth and Oscar told him amusing things about Anth, things he can't remember now though... But he remembers he laughed a lot.

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