Chapter Ten ▫ Rockstars.

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Brittany's POV

I managed to organize a new routine but now I was gonna need to find someone who could help me with the music. Luckily I know a few musicians.

After I showered I got dressed and curled my hair. By the time I had my shoes and mini backpack on Santana was pulling up to the house.

On my way out my mom gives me some money and tells me to be safe. Santana opened the car door for me and I swiftly got inside. Before she got in she waved to my mom who waved back before heading in.

Santana:(Buckles up and starts to drive)Tonight's gonna be amazing.

Brittany:I'm so excited.

Santana:The guy throwing the party is Finn Hudson. Here in Lima he's a high school football legend. Plus his step brother is dating Blaine

Brittany:Do either of them go to McKinley?

Santana:Finn does. McKinley is known for it's talented students. I mean it's the home of Mistaken Heroes.

Brittany:(Smiles)Well hopefully I can become apart of that.

Santana:(Glances at Brittany)There's plenty of room for you on the McKinley wall of fame.

Brittany:Hey can I ask for a favor?


Brittany:I'm working on a routine and need someone to edit the music. Is there anyway you or one of the other guys can help me?

Santana:Oh totally. Ryder can take care of that. I'll give you his number so you can work on that.

Brittany:Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver.

Santana:(Smiles and keeps driving).

We pull up to a huge two story house and much like the party at Zoe's house the place is packed. Santana grabs her guitar from the back of the car then walks over and opens my door. I step out and take a slow look around before bringing my attention to Santana. She slips her guitar over her shoulder and grabs my hand then leads us inside.

The house smells like smoke and liquor. People are dancing and singing along to the music blasting from the speakers. In the large living room there was a stage setup with all of the band equipment ready to go. Instead of heading that way we head to the back of the house and we stop in front of two sliding doors. Santana knocks on them and a few seconds later Ryder is standing in front of us.

Ryder:Wow you're actually on time.

Santana:(Rolls her eyes and pushes past Ryder).


Brittany:(Laughs softly).

Ryder:(Looks at Brittany)Holy crap. You look amazing. I mean you look nice.

Brittany:Thank you. You look pretty good too rockstar.

Ryder:(Smiles and steps to the side).

Brittany:(Walks into the room).

Upon entering the room I see that it's a huge office with a lounging area and bar.

Jake is drinking and playing video games. Blaine is on the phone and it appears he's having a heated conversation. Santana and Zen are on the couches tuning their guitars and smoking a joint.


Brittany:(Smiles)Yeah I could use a drink.

Ryder:(Leads Brittany to the bar).

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