Chapter Three ▫ Mistaken Heroes.

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Brittany's POV

Convincing my mom to let me go with Santana was insanely easy. All Santana did was ask and my mom said yes. It's never been that easy for me.

Santana and I leave my aunt's house and cross the street to get to Santana's car. Surprisingly it's not a pickup truck. We get into the car and put on our seatbelts then Santana pulls away from the curb and drives towards the party.

Santana:(Glances at Brittany)What do you think of the car?

Brittany:Honestly I'm surprised. When you told my mom we were driving I was expecting a pickup truck to be outside.

Santana:(Chuckles)People do seem to love those damn trucks around here. This is a Camaro. Isn't she beautiful?

Brittany:She definitely is.

Santana:So what's been going on? You still cheering?

Brittany:I was on my high school cheer team back in California.

Santana:You're gonna join the Cheerios right?

Brittany:(Shrugs)I'm not sure.

Santana:You have to. I remember how excited you were back in the day to join the Cheerios. You dressed up in the uniform every year.

Brittany:Oh my God. I can't believe you remember that.

Santana:(Smiles)Of course I remember. You always made me dress up in the Titan football gear.

Brittany:Made you? I recall you always wanting to match costumes because of that little crush you had.

Santana:(Playfully rolls her eyes)Oh whatever. Don't flatter yourself Britt Bratt.

Brittany:(Slaps Santana's arm).

Santana:(Laughs)Wow you still hate that huh?

Brittany:Yeah I do.

Santana and I spend the rest of the drive laughing and getting to know each other again.

Santana is on Mckinley's basketball team. She's the lead singer and guitarist in a band called 'Mistaken Heroes'. Her parents still live in the same house and she works part time at the Lima Bean cafe.We only have time to talk about a few things before we're pulling up to the party.

The house itself is huge and people are everywhere. Some are on the roof, in the backyard, sitting out front but most of them are inside. Different colored lights are flashing and the music is blasting.

Santana and I get out of the car and she leads me inside. It's not hard to see that Santana is quite popular. She greets a few people and flashes a smile or two as we make our way to the kitchen.

Santana:(Grabs two cups)What are you drinking?

Brittany:(Looks at the drinks)Punch is fine.

Santana:(Smirks)You sure?


Santana:(Fills both cups with punch)Alright here you go. (Hands Brittany a cup).

Brittany:Thanks. (Sips her drink and cringes)Oh my god what is that?

Santana:(Chuckles)It's 'Party Punch'. (Sips her drink).

I take another sip of the punch and try to get used to the flavor. As I continue to take small sips I see Santana refilling her cup. She's no stranger to 'Party Punch'.

Santana takes my free hand and leads me through the crowd of people dancing and out to the backyard. I notice that the backyard is huge. There's a pool, a hot tub and a stage set up with equipment. Everyone is having a good time talking and drinking while others are enjoying the pool.

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