Chapter Four ▫ Couldn't Agree More.

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Brittany's POV

After the band thanks everyone for letting them perform the crowd begins to disperse and music begins to play throughout the entire house again.

I look around and spot Santana and her friends making their way off of the stage and head over to them.

Brittany:You guys that was incredible.

Santana:(Looks at Brittany and smiles)Yeah? You think so?

Brittany:Um yes. Did you see how pumped up the crowd was? Those songs were amazing.

Ryder:Well you can thank Santana and Blaine for that. They write all of our songs.

Blaine:Not entirely true. We just write the lyrics.

Santana:Right. Zoe, Ryder and Jake write the actual music. It's a team effort.

Zoe:(Looks at Brittany)You know if you weren't here she'd be taking credit for everything. She's so fake.

Santana:(Chuckles)Shut up.

Jake:Why don't we get some snacks then chill downstairs?

Zoe:I'm cool with that. I'll meet you guys down there. (Walks away).

Blaine:Jake and Ryder you guys wanna help me grab the snacks?

Ryder:Sure. (Walks away with Blaine and Jake).

After the three boys walk off Santana takes my hand and leads me into the house and through the crowd of teenagers. We walk pass the entrance and go through a door leading to the basement.

Santana turns on the light by using a sliding switch near the door. I follow behind her as she goes down the stairs and once I reach the bottom my mouth drops open in shock.

The basement is large and it's filled with tons of music equipment. There's a booth, pianos, guitars, speakers, chairs and a few couches all around the room. There's also a bar and a kitchen area.

I must've been staring at the room for a long time because suddenly Santana's in my face waving her hands trying to get my attention.

Santana:Brittany? Hello?

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)Yeah. I'm sorry this basement is just-



Santana:(Looks around)I had the same reaction. When Zoe's dad had everything put in the band freaked. We were rehearsing in her garage before this so it was a nice upgrade.

Brittany:Wait...this is Zoe's house?

Santana:(Walks towards the bar)Yeah she's one lucky bitch. Her dad is loaded.

"You guys talking about Zoe?"

I turn towards the stairs and see Blaine, Jake and Ryder coming down carrying a bunch of bowls filled with chips, dip and other snacks.

Santana:(Grabs a case of beers)Yup.

Brittany:Do you guys need help?

Jake:We got it gorgeous. (Winks and walks over to the bar).

Brittany:(Smiles softly).

Ryder:Jake man come on (Follows).

Santana:Is Zoe almost done?

Blaine:Yeah everyone is just about cleared out.

Jake:(Sits the snacks down)Pretty dope studio right Brittany?

Brittany:(Nods)It's amazing.

Santana:(Walks around and hands out beers)Don't tell Zoe that. Her head will get even bigger.

Brittany:(Takes a beer and sits on the couch).

Ryder:So Santana tells us you moved back here from California.

Jake:Rockstar nation. What's it like out there?

Brittany:(Smiles softly)It's beautiful. I made sure to take advantage of the amazing dance studios out there.

Santana:(Smiles and sits next to Brittany)She's always been a dancer.

"I've always liked girls that can move their hips".

Brittany:(Looks up).

Zoe:(Smiles and winks).

Blaine:(Looks through music)Is everyone gone?

Zoe:(Grabs a beer and sits in a chair)Yup. Lucky me they didn't leave a mess.

Santana:(Sips her beer)Then let the chill session begin.

For the next few hours the six of us listen to music while drinking and talking. I learn that Blaine is gay and is madly in love with this guy named Kurt.

Jake is straight and spends his free time smoking and having casual sex.

Zoe is bisexual and enjoys writing stories and music.

Ryder is straight and plays football. Then there's Santana.

Santana and I talk about everything. Our past, our present and our futures. She tells me about all of the trouble she's gotten into since I've been gone. From scratching her dad's car with her bike at the age of thirteen to stealing her dad's car at the age of sixteen. She tells me about her plans to take over the world with the band and one day leaving Lima behind.

I listen to everything she says with so much interest. Watching her smile in between stories and seeing the passion fill her eyes when she talks about music makes me see just how much she's grown up and matured and it's amazing.

Santana:(Sips her beer)So it's your turn. What do you want to be remembered for in life?

Brittany:Definitely my dancing. Not just the choreography but how my ability impacted the world. I want to have a studio and teach classes. A portion of the profits I make I want them to go to dance organizations and programs all over the world.

Santana:(Smiles)You're still so caring. I love that.

Brittany:(Drinks her beer and playfully rolls her eyes).


Zoe:(Stands up)Alright everyone your girl needs her beauty sleep so time to take your asses home.

Jake:Is that a new thing you're trying? I mean from the looks of it beauty sleep has never been important to you.

Everyone except for Zoe laughs. Instead she raises her middle finger and points it at all of us before she playfully shoves Jake causing him to laugh harder. As they go back and forth everyone starts to grab all of their stuff.

Santana:(Slips on her jacket and pats her pockets then looks at Brittany)Ready?

Brittany:(Checks her pockets)Yeah all set.

Santana:(Walks to the stairs)I'll text you guys later about the next gig.

Blaine:Sounds good. It was nice meeting you Brittany.

Ryder:Yeah I hope you come around more often.

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)She will.

Brittany:(Smiles)It was nice meeting you guys. I'll see all of you later.

Santana:(Walks upstairs and to the car with Brittany).

Santana and I both get into the car and once we're on the road we just let the music play. No one says anything until we're parked outside of my aunt's house.

Santana:I hope tonight was fun for you.

Brittany:Honestly it was better than I thought it would be.

Santana:Good. I could tell from your face when I first saw you that you were having doubts about Lima. How are you feeling now?

Brittany:...I feel like maybe I judged Lima too soon.

Santana:(Smiles)Yeah. I couldn't agree more.

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