Chapter Six ▫ Guys or Girls.

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Brittany's POV

By the time we all reached the midpoint of our slushies we were pretty buzzed. We had been playing games for almost two hours and had collected over five hundred tickets which we gave to a group of kids.

We decide to spend the rest of our time sitting near the slushie stand waiting for Quinn to get off of work. I take a few pictures of the carnival on my phone and send them to Ashley and Sasha before checking my social media apps.

Zoe:Texting your boyfriend over there Brittany?

Brittany:(Quickly looks at Zoe)Huh? Oh no I was just sending my friends some pictures.

Zoe:But you do have a boyfriend?

Brittany:(Shakes her head)No I don't.


Zoe:What about a girlfriend?

Brittany:Uh nope. I'm single.

Zoe:Are you into girls?


Santana:Jesus Zoe would you lay off?

Zoe:I'm just trying to get to know the girl.

Santana:(Stands)Well I'm sure the super personal questions aren't necessary. Come on Brittany let's go for a walk.

Brittany:(Looks at everyone then gets up and walks away with Santana).

Santana and I walk towards the entrance of the carnival and find a small bench to sit on. Not many people are around I'm assuming it's because the carnival closes soon.

We sit in silence for a few minutes. Only the sound of water, carnival music and faint chatter fill my ears. The air is warm and there's a slight breeze. Something about night time in Lima is just so peaceful.

Santana:What are you thinking about?

Brittany:(Looks around)This is really calming. Lima is so different from California. It's like a total flip flop.

Santana:That's good right?

Brittany:(Smiles softly)Yeah it's...refreshing.


Santana:I'm sorry for Zoe by the way. That girl has no filter and she doesn't think before she speaks.

Brittany:(Smiles softly)Honestly I don't mind. My friend Ashley is the exact same way.

Santana:You miss your friends huh?

Brittany:So much and it's only been a couple of days. We were on the cheer team together and had sleepovers and now...

Santana:Now you have even more friends who you can introduce to your Cali girl lifestyle.

Brittany:(Laughs)Cali girl lifestyle?

Santana:(Smiles and nods)You know even though I didn't bet against you I was sure you'd come out wearing a flower crown or something.

Brittany:(Laughs and playfully shoves Santana)I would never.

Santana:I hope that's true.

Brittany:(Playfully rolls her eyes).


Santana:So even though I shut Zoe down I'm curious.


Santana:Are you into girls?

Brittany:(Nods)I'm bi.

Santana:Wow that's-. When did you know?

Brittany:Hmm....I was a Freshman and I had only ever dated boys but I became really attracted to this Sophomore. She asked me out one day and without any hesitation I said yes and boom that was that.

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