Chapter Five ▫ Very Special Indeed.

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Brittany's POV

When I wake up the next morning I look around confused when I realize I'm on a couch in a very unfamiliar house. As I slowly begin to sit up I hear faint footsteps grow closer so I turn towards the noise and see my aunt make her way towards me.

Jennifer:Hey you're up.

Brittany:Yup. I'm up.

Jennifer:Your mom and I are in the kitchen eating breakfast if you'd like to join us. After we're done I'm gonna drive you guys to your new house.

Brittany:Uh yeah ok. I'll um be there in a minute.

Jennifer:(Smiles and walks away).

I run my fingers through my hair before putting the mess into a ponytail. Before going into the kitchen I check my phone and see two texts one from each of my best friends. I send both of them a quick reply then join my mom and my aunt.

Christina:There she is. Hi sweetie.

Brittany:(Flashes a tight smile)Hey.

Christina:How was your night out?

Brittany:It was fun. Santana introduced me to her band and we hung out.

Christina:See I told you Lima wasn't all boring.

Jennifer:Are you hungry Brittany?

Brittany:Um no thanks. Maybe I could just wait in the truck?

Jennifer:Yeah that's no problem. We shouldn't be much longer and the doors are unlocked.

Brittany:Sounds great. (Leaves).

I feel so awkward around my aunt for some reason. Something about her presence just makes me uncomfortable so I figured I'd be better off in the truck.

As I make my way to the curb where the truck is parked someone shouts my name and I quickly turn around.
Much to my surprise I see Santana jogging towards me with a soft smile on her face.

She's wearing black basketball shorts and a black tank top along with a pair of black sneakers. Her hair is pulled into a messy ponytail and as she gets closer I can see that a few beads of sweat cover her face.

Santana:(Stops next to Brittany)H-hey.

Brittany:(Smiles)Hey there. You look...tired.

Santana:Yeah running a mile and a half will do that to you.

Brittany:I bet.

Santana:(Catches her breath)So are you headed to your house?

Brittany:(Nods)Yeah I'm just waiting on my mom and Jennifer.

Santana:(Takes a swig from her water bottle)I see. So are you gonna be doing anything later?

Brittany:Probably not.

Santana:Cool because the band and I are going to the Lima summer carnival and they really liked hanging out with you so I was wondering if you wanted to come with us.

Brittany:Wow I haven't been to the summer carnival since we were kids. I'd love to go.

Santana:That's awesome. We usually walk there since it's just by the docks so we can walk over to your place and get you.

Brittany:Sounds great. Let me just run and get the address of the house.

Santana:Oh you're good.

Brittany:But how will you know where-

Santana:See you at seven. (Jogs away).

I laugh to myself before getting into the truck.

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