Chapter Two ▫ Homey.

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Brittany's POV

My mom and I boarded the plane around noon. I spent the entire flight listening to music trying to get over the sadness of leaving my friends behind.

When we land it's going on four and the Ohio atmosphere is definitely a change from the atmosphere in Los Angeles. The airport was crowded like most airports but it wasn't a chaotic mess. People knew where they were going and when they needed to be there. Like most airports there were a few people rushing but most people were patiently waiting for their flights.

My mom and I grabbed our bags and headed outside. When we stepped outside the first thing that caught my eye was the type of cars parked outside. Living in Los Angeles I had grown accustomed to seeing flashy cars, designer clothes and expensive jewelry everywhere I turned. In just three minutes I had counted at least twelve different pickup trucks. Eight of them had dirt and chipped paint on some part of the vehicle.

I had been around fancy for so long that I forgot some cars aren't always shiny and new. I felt a little disgusted with myself because I always disliked people who thought that way.

I turn to my mom and see her looking around and before I can ask her what she's looking for there's a loud honk and a red pick up truck pulls right in front of us. A blonde hops out and let's out a shriek before quickly walking around the truck and pulling my mom into a hug. Not wasting any time my mom hugs the woman back then pulls away and smiles widely at her.

Christina:Jennifer look at you. You look beautiful.

Jennifer:You're one to talk Ms. Cali. You look like a supermodel.

Christina:(Chuckles and turns to Brittany)Jenny you remember Brittany. Brittany this is your aunt Jennifer.

Jennifer:(Smiles at Brittany)I swear she is just a spitting image of Josh. Eyes and all.

Brittany:(Glances at her mom).

It's weird hearing my dad's name. It hadn't been said in our house in such a long time. I don't think we tried to avoid the topic of my dad I just think we wanted to move on from it. It's been years.

My mom and I put our bags in the bed of the truck then got in the front of the truck with my aunt. During the drive into Lima my mom and aunt talk and catch up while I take in all the trees and land.

Definitely not in Los Angeles anymore.

Before I know it we're driving past a sign welcoming us into Lima. There's no turning back now.

Jennifer:(Drives)I know you guys are probably starving. Wait until you see the little dinner I put together.

Brittany:We aren't going to the house mom?

Jennifer:I don't mind bringing you guys home. After dinner of course.

Christina:(Looks at Brittany)See that sweetie we can get full then head home. We won't stay too long.

Brittany:(Looks out of the window)Great.

A few more minutes pass by and soon we're parking in front of a beige two story house. The front porch gives the house a "homey" feeling. It's "homey" and simple. It's nice. As I get out of the truck and look at the neighboring houses I notice that they all give off a "homey" vibe.

I walk a few feet behind my mom and aunt as they continue to chat and walk towards the house. The minute we step inside the lights come on and a bunch of people jump out screaming "Welcome Home". Both my mom and I jump back startled but once she looks around the room she slowly starts to laugh. I on the other hand remain in panic mode.

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