Chapter One ▫ Haste Decisions.

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Brittany's POV

If my mom had told me I'd be spending my Senior year in Lima, Ohio about three months ago I wouldn't be as upset as I am now. She waited until the second to last week of summer vacation to tell me that I'd be leaving my two best friends behind to attend McKinley High School.

I remember the tragic day like it was three days ago. Three days ago my mom made shrimp pasta with a side salad for dinner and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies for dessert. I happen to love both of those. After we finished she sat down with me and we watched 'Bring It On Fight to the Finish' which happens to be my favorite cheerleading movie. During the credits is when she dropped the bomb.

"Brittany we're moving back to Lima."

I sat in silence for a few minutes before turning off the movie and going to my room to process what had just taken place. She totally played me.

The last time I was in Lima I was ten years old. I've spent the past seven years here in Los Angeles creating a new life, making new friends and now all of that is being ripped away.

The reason behind us leaving Lima the first time is definitely something that I don't talk about very much.

My father Josh Pierce was born and raised in Lima. After meeting and marrying my mother 'Christina' he joined the military. Shortly after that they found out she was pregnant and nine months later I was born. It was hard for both my mother and I to only see my father for a few weeks at a time but we all made it work. We were happy. Until one day my dad didn't walk through the door but two men in suits did. I remember my mother screaming as tears came down her face when she heard that my father had died. I'll never forget that day. After the funeral my mom and I left and never looked back.

The day after receiving the news that we were moving I tired to find out as much as I could and turns out my mom had been planning this for a while.

My mom apparently bought a place in Lima a few months ago and had it touched up and furnished. I would be able to keep up with my cheerleading because McKinley High was home to the Cheerios. My mom even got a job working with my aunt Jennifer at Lima General Hospital.

After hearing the plan I met up with my friends Sasha and Ashley to break the news to them. We cried for awhile then talked about all the fun we'd had over the past few years. We also ended up having a going away sleepover that night.

The past three days have definitely been emotional.

We're flying to Lima on Friday which is two days away so we've been spending most of our time packing. My room looks so dull now that I've taken down all of my posters and pictures. It's just a room now. A room that will soon belong to someone else.

I sit down on my bed and look at all of the packed boxes. This is really happening.

Christina:(Walks in)Hey honey. How's it going?

Brittany:(Sighs and looks around)It's going.

Christina:(Sits next to Brittany)Britt I know this is a lot and I know it's all happening so fast but Lima won't be so bad. It was your home once upon a time.

Brittany:That was seven years ago mom. This is my home.


Christina:I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you I just... I didn't know how to bring it up.

Brittany:(Looks at Christina)Why are we moving back? I thought after dad we weren't ever going back.

Christina:...I made a haste decision back then. I was scared to be there without him Brittany. At the time I didn't realize how much we were leaving behind.

Brittany:How do you know you aren't making a haste decision now? We're leaving behind a lot by going back. We've spent so much time making this our home and now we're just leaving.

Christina:I feel it in my heart Britt. I think this will be good for us. Please just trust me on this.

Brittany:...Fine. I trust you but that doesn't mean I'm happy about this.

Christina:(Smiles softly)I'll take that. Do you need any help?

Brittany:I'm almost done I think I'll manage.

Christina:Alright. (Stands)How does pizza for dinner sound?

Brittany:Pepperoni with-

Christina:Extra cheese I know.


Christina:(Walks out).

My mom and I have always been close. We shared almost everything with each other. Even though I didn't like the fact that we were packing up our lives and moving I decided to trust my mom. Plus it's not like I have much of a say in the matter.


Time seemed to fly by. Before I could even blink we're loading up our luggage into a cab and heading to the airport. Sasha and Ashley begged my mom to change her mind but we all knew it was too late for that.

While my mom talks to Sasha's parents about shipping the rest of our stuff to us in Lima Sasha, Ashley and I take the time to say our final goodbyes.

Sasha:(Sniffles)You promise to video call every weekend?

Brittany:(Nods)I promise.

Ashley:(Wipes her tears)And you promise you won't forget about us?

Brittany:(Holds back tears)I could never forget about you guys. I love you both way too much.

Sasha:(Hugs Brittany)We love you too Britt.

Brittany:(Hugs back).

Sasha:(Steps back and wipes her tears).

Ashley:(Hugs Brittany)Text us when you land.

Brittany:(Hugs back)I will Ash.

Ashley:(Steps back).

Christina:Time to go Brittany. Bye girls.

Ashley & Sasha:Bye Ms. Pierce.

Brittany:Bye guys.

Ashley:Bye Britt.


I hug my two best friends one more time then slowly walk to the cab and slide in next to my mom. I glance out of the window and see my friends waving and crying. I blow them both a kiss just as the cab takes off.

Please let my mom be right. Please let this be good for us.

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