Chapter 31

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yay finished some of my history so I'm going to reward myself and my awesomenated readers by uploading. Don't you just love me?


     I woke up to someone banging on the door as hard as they could. Groaning, I rolled out of Zach's arms and shuffled to the door rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Standing there with a crazed look in their eyes when I opened the door was my dad's beta, Nick. I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what could be so important he had to wake me up from my sleep.

    "Your dad wants to talk to you and Zach right away. He thinks he has a lead on the murder and fire," he said to me then ran off. I looked the way he ran with a confused look. Shrugging it off, I walked over to Zach and called his name several times. When that didn't work, I shook his shoulders gently, then roughly when he didn't wake up. Growling, I walked into the bathroom and found an empty container, then filled it up with ice cold water from the sink. Grinning mischiefsly, I went back to Zach and gave him a kiss, trying to see if that would work. The only thing that did was make him groan and roll over. I started to giggle while picking up the container. Before I could regret it, I tumped the cold water on his face. He bolted up gasping from the shock of it, while I fell to the floor laughing.

       Looking down at me, he got a look in his eyes that made me squeak and get up to bolt to the door. He ran to the door and got there before me, blocking my only escape while he locked it. Wait no, not my only escape. He took a step towards me and I sprinted to the bathroom. Just as I was slamming the door closed, he put his foot in the way and grunted when the door collided with his foot. I slowly backed up while he opened the door with a playful glare. I looked around and seeing I was trapped, did the only thing I could think to do. I cried. Not some fake crying either, I'm talented enough to cry real tears whenever I want to. I sunk to my knees and sobbed like a baby. Zach stopped in shock, then ran over and collected my shaking form in his arms, appologizing.

         I leaned into his embrace for a moment, then looked up at him and stuck my tounge out. He looked at me in shock, then he started to laugh. I joined in and squealed when he shook his head to get rid of the water. Then I remembered why I woke him up, and jumped up, pulling him up with me. I started to walk towards the door, when I was turned around to look at him. He placed a quick kiss on my lips, then smiling went out the door. I felt a smile tugging at the corner of my lips as I followed him downstairs.

          When we got to my dad's office, I knocked on the doorframe before walking in.

          "You wanted to see us dad?" I asked sitting down in a chair across from his desk.

          "Yes, I wanted to tell you about the information we managed to get from Daegen," I heard Zach growl a little at his name, so I gave his hand a small squeeze.

          "You managed to get something from him?" I asked a little shocked.

          "Yup, the little punk finally squealed. Turns out his pack sent him here to learn our secrets. The reason we didn't smell anything on him, is because he had a special soap that masked his scent. It even hid the smell of his pack from us, making him seem like some random new kid. It was actually pretty smart when you think about it. He confessed to killing Tim, and having started the fire. Although he claims to know nothing about who killed Nancy. When I asked why his packed wanted to get rid of ours, he got all fidgety and didn't answer. He's been quiet ever since."

           "Has he been given breakfast yet?" I asked non-chalontly.

          "No, not yet."

          "Good," I said before standing up.

         I walked into the kitchen and started to make pancakes. While I cooked, I hummed a meaningless tune and danced a little. By time I was finished cooking, I had made pancakes, hash browns, and toast. I poured a glass of orange juice, then carried the food to the basement door. I was stopped by a tuff looking wolf growling at me. He stopped, with the combined noise of mine and Zach's growl, and with my glare. Realization finally lit his face, and he scrambled to open the door for me. When I passed by him, I gave him my dazzling smile while he looked down in embarrasment. Walking down the stairs carefully, I shivered trying not to think about where I was going. It's not the thought of I was going to give the guy who killed my friend and burnt down a building food, but the thought of going down to the basement. Ever since I was little, basements have given me the creeps. It's always dark and damp, and the thought that the house could randomly collapse ontop of you, and you'd have no escape. The feeling tripled when I started to see ghosts. I learned early that every basement is haunted by them, and they're not always friendly.

          The further down the stairs I got, I could feel my shoulders tensing from the many memories that were going through my brain. I was so lost in thought, I almost screamed when Zach placed his hand on my shoulder. Looking back at him with wide eyes, I let out a breath when I saw it was him and not something from my imagination. He looked at me with a worried expression, and I gave him a tight smile in response and kept walking. I was starting to get aggitated with the stairs. Why do there have to be so many of them, seriously!? I was just about to start yelling at the stairs to go away, when I finally reached the bottom. Sighing in relief, I looked around the basement to find Daegen. I found him in a metal cage, with bars about three inches thick all the way around.

         Something didn't seem right, it was to quiet down here. I should at least here breathing coming from him. Frowning, I looked closer at Daegen. He was laying on the floor of the cage, not moving. I set the plate and glass down and walked clower to the cage. As I walked closer, I caught a smell that was to faint to place. I ignored it and walked up to the bars of the cage, well aware that Zach was right behind me. I listened for his breathing or heartbeat, and when I didn't hear one, I started to freak out. That's when it hit me, the smell, it was his blood. Looking closer, I noticed a pool of blood forming around him. I stood there staring and when I heard someone clear their throat, I hesitantly turned around fearing the worst. Standing there, leaning against the wall with a smug smile, was none other then Daegen.


Sorry it's so short, kind of a filler chapter. Anyways comment or vote. If you don't I might just kill off a major character.

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