Defensive, Over-Protective Akira

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Akira’s POV

After a long night with the team, I woke up late and went to pick up Kakashi from the hospital as promised.

I entered his room and noticed that the bed was made and it looked like he hadn’t been there in a while.

I heard the metal clatter of a tray hitting the ground in the doorway behind me. I turned around and the startled nurse called out to me as she stepped into the room. “Kakashi? I thought you’d already left with the hokage.”

I turned around, “Ah sorry, I uh...misplaced my book. Have you seen it anywhere?”

“No, I haven’t.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Shouldn’t you be at the jounin exams, preparing? They start in an hour you know?”

“Ah well, I suppose I should get going then.” I said doing my best impression of dad’s laid back walk as I left the room. “If the hokage is looking for me, please tell her I’m already on my way.” I closed my eyes to mimic his smile and quickly left after handing her tray back to her.

Once outside I quickly dashed off to the exams. Why would Tsunade need my dad at the exam? What should he be preparing for? They wouldn’t let him fight in that condition right?

I landed outside the doors where Michiro waved at me, her curly black hair bouncing into her face.

“Do you have a hair tie?” She asked as I approached her.

“No sorry.”

She shrugged pushing some curls behind her ear. “You ready for this?”

“Of course. Where are the others?”

“Inside, drawing numbers already.”

“You didn’t have to wait for me.” I said keeping pace beside her as we entered a room filled with jounin applicants. “Wow. I didn’t think there were this many.”

“Neither did we.” Ren said coming up behind us. “Apparently they had separated the applicants into smaller groups before the exams. These are the ones who passed the other rounds.”

“There’s only 50 or so.” Satoshi said nonchalantly eyeing up the competition.

Maki smiled, leaning back against a wall. “Only 50, he says.” Nudging Satoshi. “No sweat. This’ll be easy.”

Michiro grabbed my hand. “We should go get our numbers. We’ll be back in a minute.”

We approached the box and Michiro reached her hand in pulling out a folded piece of paper. While I drew mine she read hers.

“4. What’s yours say?” She asked.

“3. What do you think they mean?” I asked as we returned to the others.

“Not sure. Let’s ask the others.” She waved at Suki as we returned, although Suki didn’t acknowledge her until she touched her arm and spoke. “Hey, what numbers did you guys get?”

Ren held his up. “I got 2.”

“Same.” Satoshi said raising his as well.

Michiro huffed, her number was receiving hatred it would never be aware of. I wonder how long her and Ren have dated? What are their dates like?

“Satoshi, switch with me.” Michiro demanded.

“No way, you’d  both fail cause you were to busy gazing into each others eyes or something.” He rolled his eyes.

“Would not.”

“Sorry to break this up but I got 1.” Maki said.

“What about you, Suki?” Michiro asked.

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