Chapter 27

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Luke just held me and let me cry while the injured around us were transported to the hospital.

Jake's POV

A figure approached me from the bright. She was dressed in a long, white dress and was stunning. The closer she got, the more she looked like... Rea!? No! She couldn't be dead! "Rea?" The woman smiled and I relaxed. Her smile was stunning but different to Rea's and now she was closer, I could see she looked older. "No dear child. I am her mother." Her mother? "Am I dead?" I asked. "No. Not yet. But... You're running out of time." She looked down, distraught. "You must clear your mind and focus hard. You must concertante on those you love and the reasons you want to live for. They have to be strong and prominent thoughts." I nodded as closed my eyes. I cleared my brain and thought of my best friends Luke and Sam. I thought of Rea. I focused my energy and eventually opened my eyes. Rea's mum was growing fainter. "Well done. Take care of my daughter and I shall be watching over you until we meet again." She said softly before disappearing completely.

Rea's POV

I sat on the chair by his bed with tears freely flowing down my face, clutching his hand. It had been a month and Jake was still wired up to so many machines with no improvement. The pack doctors wanted to take him off saying there was no way he would survive but I refused. I couldn't let go. Not yet. Suddenly I felt a twitch in my hand!? It must be my imagination-no! There it was again! I leaned over and saw his eyes flutter open. "Rea?" He croaked. "Jake!" I gasped. I threw myself onto him. "How dare you! I hate you! Don't ever do that to me again! Why would you do that? You idiot! Why would you-oh my god! I'm so glad your alive! Thank the goddess you woke up!" I half screamed, my emotions all over the place as Rosie howling in joy. Jake smiled weakly at me. The cheek! Would you believe it! He actually smiled! "Sorry. I'll never do anything like that again." I narrowed my eyes at him. "No you won't! That's an order from your mate... And Luna." He laughed and I did as well.


I know this chapter is stupidly short but hey! Don't judge! I think the story is running out of ideas and the longer I drag I out, the worse it will be. So, therefore, I will be ending the story very soon in one or two chapters.

It's been wonderful writing this story and I'll miss it so much but I have other stories I'm working on and ideas for unpublished stories! So please go check them out!

One more chapter to go... Two if your lucky 😜

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