Chapter 26

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I turned to see the battle in full flow. Seeing another pack member in need, I rushed over to help. This battle was already so bloody...

And it was only just starting.

Rea's POV

I turned away from the rouge lying dead in front of me. I could see Jake classily fighting off 3 rouges and I smiled a large wolfy grin. It was only then I noticed that the rouges... They weren't trying to harm him? They were just dodging him... Distracting him. A flash of red caught my attention and I saw a red wolf sneakily stalking up on him. They were all four working together! It was the red wolf going in for the kill. Rosie and I growled at the thought of anyone tying to hurt our mate. I let Rosie lead me to him at full speed but I was slowed down because I kept having to dodge other attacks. Eventually, I was within leaping distance. Seeing the red wolf poised to leap, I launched into the air and met it mid air. We went crashing to the ground and I snarled and lunged at the wolf. He managed to spring out from under me and I faced him. I made the move. I dive into him and tore his throat out. I turned to see Jake had killed all 3 rouges, completely oblivious to the danger he'd been in. Seeing he was safe I darted off into the thick of the battle again.

I saw Kieran standing on the sidelines. Narrowing my eyes, I made my way towards him. His eyes shifted to me and he seemed to smile. I straightened myself to my full height and I shifted. I decided to start the battle so I was in my human form. I could use my magic. I raised my hands and threw him against a tree, hard. He hit it with such force, the while tree crashed down. He slowly got up and growled threateningly at me. Sensing someone behind me I sidestepped and a rouge came flying past me. I set it on fire before turning back to Kieran. Growling, he leapt. I jumped at him, shifting into a cheetah in mid air. He was so shocked he jumped off aim and missed me. I smirked at him and turned on my tail. I ran. This should be fun. There was no way a wolf is as fast as a cheetah. I had chosen a cheetah because they're not only fast but agile. More so than a bear and tiger. As I flew through the battle, I managed to kill several rouges and push many about to strike out of the way. Looking a around, I could see both sides probably had roughly the same number if casualties. I turned to see Kieran chasing me but he was far behind. Ha. No match for my speed. I turned and headed straight for him. Leaping, I shifted once again, into my wolf. I landed on his back and bit the back of his neck.

Howling in pain he reared and fell backwards, crushing me beneath him. Before he could turn to face me and potentially kill me, I shifted into a bear. The size of my bear forced him off me and he fell to my side. Roaring, I bit his stomach and kicked out with my back leg, successfully throwing away the red wolf creeping up behind me. Kieran snarled at me and I changed back into my wolf. Much to Rosie's joy. She wanted to be the one to kill him. to end it. He howled loudly and I was suddenly surrounded by a pack of red wolves. About 15 surrounded Kieran and I, snarling at me. Uh oh. Kieran gave me a wolfy smirk and stalked towards me. I couldn't back away so I just growled loudly at him. He leapt and landed on me. We rolled around in the floor and he pinned me beneath him. I struggled but he had the upper hand momentarily. He reached down for the kill when a large wolf rammed into him, knocking him off me.

I quickly sprung up and saw a large wolf circling with him, snarling ferociously. My heart sank. Jake. No! What was he doing? He'll be hurt. It's not his fight. I ran towards them seeing Kieran dive. Kieran chomped into Jake's stomach and he collapsed, howling in pain. He was bleeding so much and he shifted into his human form... Unconscious. I growled loudly, furious. Never before had I felt such fury directed at someone or something. I felt power building within me and was surprised when I growled again, the ground shook. I threw myself at Kieran before he could kill Jake. All I saw was red and Kieran was the target. I snapped his neck but continued to shred him to pieces, spurred on by my anger. There was nothing but bones and shreds of his flesh by the time I'd finished with him. I howled threateningly and saw the red wolves acknowledge their leader's death. They started to retreat, as did their allies until finally, it was only our side left. I shifted and ran to Jake. I saw Luke and Sam kneeling by him... Crying? Then I saw why. Jake had an arrow laced with silver and wolfsbane imbedded in his chest, narrowly missing his heart. His chest was moving ever so faintly and he was paling. "Oh my god. No no no." I whispered, falling to my knees and gently placing his head in my lap. "No! Noo! Nooo!" I screamed, rocking back and forth with tears streaming down my face. Luke grabbed me and burrowed my face into him and is saw Sam taking Jake to the hospital from the corner of my eye. Jake couldn't be dead. He couldn't die. We were meant to be together forever! True mates.

Luke just held me and let me cry while the injured around us were transported to the hospital.


Sorry this is such a short chapter 😕 BUT! Yay! It's an early update! I didn't think I'd be able to update till September so whoop! (I know it's not that long before September but hey. It's still August! 😉)

I know the battle scene was rubbish with her constantly changing creatures and I'm sorry but yeah... Here it is anyway. lol.

Awww! Jake! Poor Jake. I nearly cried writing that part! What do you think is going to happen to him? I have a few ideas already but let me know what you think!

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