Chapter 1

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Rea's POV

I woke up to see my alarm clock ringing. Friday: 5am. Sighing, I got out of bed to start my usual routine. I took a quick shower, dressed in my school uniform and brushed my waist length, black hair and let it hang loose. I then took a further half hour using my foundation to cover up the various bruises and marks on my face. Carefully, I made my way down the stairs, tiptoeing so as not to wake him. My sides ached and I winced each time I took a step, biting my lip from crying out in pain. Slowly making my way around the kitchen, I made some toast and coffee for him and took a small bowl of cereals for myself. When the toast and coffee was ready, I placed it on a tray and took it upstairs. Silently, I pushed his door open whilst holding my breath, willing it not to creak. Luckily, it stayed silent and I crept inside. I placed the tray on the table by his bed before creeping out again and shutting the door. Letting out my breath, I went back downstairs. Hastily washing my glass, bowl and spoon so as not to be late for school, my mind wandered to happier times. I shook my head. The past would not help me. Grabbing my school bag, I slung it over my shoulder and left the house. I walked down the road with a smile on my face. I had managed to do everything, on time, and, most importantly, without waking him.

High-field Academy. I looked up at my school and smiled. Most of the other kids my age hated school but I loved it. It was my hideaway, my safe house. It was somewhere I could forget all about him and be free, leading a different life. I often wondered how it would feel to break free, forever. For now, however, High-field was the best I could do. Entering the complex maize of corridors, I found my form room with ease. I could walk round the school asleep and not get lost. It was my second home and I knew it like the back of hand, maybe even better. Walking into the classroom, I smiled as my 5 best friends came bounding up to me. I was part of a group of 6 with Paul, Hannah, Clare, Leah and Alex. "Rea! How are you?" Clare asked, giving me a massive hug. I winced slightly as I was still feeling sore but masked it quickly and smiled at her. "Great thanks! What about you?" She beamed at me. "Great thanks! Come on, lets go sit down." Now, although my private life was, lets face it, crap, my school life was a different matter. My circle of friends were the best part of my life, always there for me. Although we weren't the popular group, we weren't at the bottom socially either. We were at the top of the middle as the school hierarchy went. However, although they were the best friends I could ever ask for, so supportive, they didn't know about my life at home, with him and what he does. I mentally shook my head. "I'm at school. Forget about it for the day. Enjoy yourself, for once." I told myself. So I did.

When the last lesson of the day rolled round, I was unprepared. Reality suddenly hit me again and I remembered him. As the bell went, I said my goodbyes and reluctantly made my way out of school. Whilst my fellow piers were rushing out, happily screaming "It's Friday! Yay!" I hesitated. I was dreading what this weekend had in store for me. A whole 2 days under his control, with him. Alone.

When I got home, he was waiting for me. I walked through the front door and tried to slip past him when his hand shot out, grabbing my wrist. Pulling me back, he pulled me so I was leaning against his chest. "No hello? Sweetheart." He hissed in my ear, turning me to face him. I flinched but bowed my head, casting my eyes down to the floor. "Hello... Father."


The image is of Keira Knightly who plays Rea. She is so pretty!

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