Chapter 20

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"Someone's going to be a mummy's girl." Nate sung innocently. Mia playfully glared at him while I slapped his arm. I could tell he was going to be a great uncle.

Rea's POV

"Why have I only just found out you have adopted a daughter!?" Screeched Layla. I covered my ears and looked at Mia. One look and we both burst into giggles as Layla playfully glared at us. "Your impossible! What are you? Impossible I tell you!" I laughed. "Layla, would you like to be Mia's auntie? She already has Nate, Sam and Luke as her uncles and I believe we need some more girl power!" Layla beamed. "I, Layla Smith, accept!" Daniel stepped into the room and slung his arm protectively around her shoulder. "What's the screeching about?" "I've just become an auntie! Mia, this is Daniel, my mate. Meaning, technically, you have gained another uncle!" He laughed. Mia just stood looking a little dumbfounded. Would you blame her? She went from no family to suddenly having a mum, dad, 4 uncles (including Daniel) and an auntie!

"Today, we will start training in your wolf form." Announced Jake. Everyone nodded and we organised to trial everyone like we had done in human form. "Same rules apply, just in wolf from. Remember, no serious injuries please." Jake reminded everyone. It was decided I wouldn't fight in wolf form like I had in human because of my advantage. I was happy with that though and sat on the sidelines with Mia, letting Ali, Layla, Daniel, Nate, Sam and Luke take over. Their techniques were pretty much faultless. Although Sam and Luke stood out somewhat as naturally skilled fighters, you could see how the continuos hours of training had affected the others, making them reliable, solid, well rounded fighters. I sat with Mia for the morning and watched the duels. After lunch, I went to meet Abe. "Do you want to come with me?" I asked Mia. I'd told her everything, the prophecy, the red wolves, Kieran, the battle and my magic. "Yes please mummy!" She answered eagerly, grabbing my hand. I led her to Jake's office where Abe was waiting, as always. "Jake can't join us today. He is regretful but has to help both the packs train." I informed him and he nodded in understanding. "Lets get started then." I sat Mia on the sofa and sat her down before starting my session with Abe.

"Firstly, I want you tell me what you can do and then do it for me." I gathered a candle and placed it front of me. "I can light a candle," I started and did so, "and I can put it out again." I imaged the candle out and the flame died. "I can also move things with out touching them, just using my eyes." I looked at a pen on the desk and bought it up into the air using my eyes before bringing it to hover in front of Abe's face where he grabbed it. "I can also set things on fire, as discovered with Nate but I shan't demonstrate that. I can see into people's thoughts and minds. Would you like to think of something you don't mind me looking into so I can show you? I don't want to invade on any private thoughts." He nodded at me, smiling at my consideration. "Thank you, done." I concentrated on looking into his mind and heard his thoughts. "Kieran is the alpha of the red wolves. He is rallying as much support as he can get." I told him his thoughts and concluded "that is everything I've learnt so far." He smiled at me. "Well done! You are a fast learner. Now, we need to work on you being able to use these powers in a moment of panic..." We spent the afternoon practising me using my powers under pressure and summoning them quickly. As the session drew to a close, Jake popped his head in. "Everything alright?" "Ah. Jake. Please come in. I was about to update Rea with information I have of the war. You should know as well." He nodded and entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"From my sources, Kieran and The Red Wolves have several allies. They have teamed with the rouges, hunters vampires and several witches. I have managed to get support from other witches, some angels and fairies but I fear we shall be outnumbered. Kieran's allies are powerful and large in number. It is difficult for the witches because they are turning on one another. Some strongly believe in Kieran whilst others believe he is in the wrong, meaning they'll side with us. This battle is going to be big. However, I do know that in the end, the battle will be between Rea and Kieran... Alone." He looked at Jake pointedly when he said the last bit, as a warning. "We must be ready for anything. Do not relax. If anything, step up your training. I would also highly recommend you order your doctors and scientists to pull together to try and find a way to cure those injected/shot with silver. We know the hunters will bring plenty. We also must be armed with silver amongst other weapons." Jake organised this while Abe said his farewells and disappeared. I herd a little sniff and turned to see Mia silently crying on the sofa. I went and sat next to her, bundling her onto my lap as Jake came to sit next to me. "What's wrong honey?" I asked. "I'm scared." She whispered. "What if you and dad die? This war sounds awful. I can't loose my second mummy and daddy!" She cried and I rocked her back and forth gently. "Hush hush. We'll be fine." I assured her with more conviction than I truly felt. "Yeah, you can't get rid of us that easily!" Chirped in Jake and we all laughed.

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